Monday, May 3rd, 2021

Billy’s full of himself, and exciting news – Nick took off on the private jet – probably to find Adam. If we’re quick enough we can get there before the cops arrest him, he tells Lily. Faith needs you – her clock’s ticking! Nick grunts as he bashes at the... Read more

Friday, April 30th, 2021

Shifting his attention from an assortment of cobwebbed, expired-looking canned goods, Adam grabs a tire iron when he hears someone creaking down the basement stairs. What the hell are you doing here?! he asks Nick. Faith knows her Mom was having a bad dream – you were making little noises... Read more

Thursday, April 29th, 2021

In her suite, Amanda’s naked beneath the sheets – Devon’s got his pants back on. Both are glad they’ve reconnected while Amanda’s experiencing life changes; her first murder case, her newfound family. Devon knows she can go it alone – but as long as you have me, you won’t have... Read more

Wednesday, April 28th, 2021

Victor’s on his phone at Society, leaving a message he hopes Adam will get. Rey walks in to overhear and shake his head in disgust. At CL’s, Nick arrives to find his Mom and Sharon fussing over Faith (now sitting up but tired) Updated that she fainted, he runs to... Read more

Tuesday, April 27th, 2021

Maybe it’s a trap, Summer frets to Kyle. No, Tara’s in as deep as I am – she has just as much to lose, Kyle figures. What’s going on? Jack enters the boardroom to hear that Tara sent Kyle a text last night – she might have a way to... Read more

Monday, April 26th, 2021

In her suite, Amanda reads the text from Imani – ‘this will end badly’. When Devon arrives with pizza, she smiles ‘perfect timing’. Lily fast asleep, Billy sneaks out. Vikki’s summoned Nick to Society to catch up and whine about Dad buying Cyaxares. Guessing his sister needs to vent, Nick... Read more

Friday, April 23rd, 2021

Phone in hand, Billy looks like he’d rather be walking into a lion’s den (than Society) Taking a table with Lily, he updates on Locke’s heart attack, Victor stealing Cyaxeres from Vikki, and her banning her Father from NE. Lily’s only question is ‘how did you hear about all this’?... Read more

Thursday, April 22nd, 2021

Kyle and Jack are doing damage control in Jabot’s boardroom – seems fire code violations are shutting their factories down; even the one in London – Canada! If Locke’s willing to bribe inspectors, he may be the only one who can undo this damage, Jack figures. At the ranch, Locke’s... Read more