Wednesday, July 7th, 2021

A ‘radiant’ Nikki drops by Newman Media to update Victor that Summer’s excited to see them in Italy. When Victor wants to postpone the trip, Nikki questions his change of heart. As Chelsea’s minder hovers, Chelsea thanks Dr Hedges for arranging this outing and assumes he’s working on her release.... Read more

Tuesday, July 6th, 2021

Meeting with Lily and Billy at TGP, Nate had no idea AskWebMDnow would take off the way it has. Billy asks Nate about shortness of breath in someone who’s seeing an oncologist – not good, is it? You make me feel invincible, Ashland has reservations about Vikki seeing his decline.... Read more

Monday, July 5th, 2021

Adam’s off to meet one of their reporters (who’s investigating Locke’s health) He’ll be back before Nikki and Connor come home. Victor’s so happy they moved to the ranch. We’ll make this new company bigger and better. When Cloe drops by, Chelsea rants about Adam wanting to erase her from... Read more

Friday, July 2nd, 2021

At ChanceCom, Billy’s ready to pop champagne to celebrate their story ‘Keys to the Locke Divorce’ going viral. Frowning at her laptop, Lily wants to hold off – we need to stay on our toes. Billy agrees there will be fireworks, thanks to their last-minute bombshell revelation. Victor reads the... Read more

Thursday, July 1st, 2021

Lily’s in a satin robe, Billy’s bare-chested as he reclines with his laptop. Oh, how ‘sexy’ and ‘perfect’ he is. Such a curse. While her sexiness and beauty is a ‘gift’. Running into his former father-in-law at CL’s, Ben jumps into a sparring stance. Delighted, Victor’s ready to go a... Read more

Wednesday, June 30th, 2021

In her office, Vikki tries to convince her Father that Ashland’s fine and amused by the rumours of him dying. So, where there’s smoke there’s no fire, Victor’s not buying it. Running into Tara at CL’s, Sally wonders if the big box of brownies is to celebrate Summer leaving town.... Read more

Tuesday, June 29th, 2021

In Vikki’s office, Ashland relays Tara’s denial of leaking his illness. Vikki agrees he should ignore it – who has time for idle gossip? As for talk of the merger, she wants to postpone it – you need some air; come on. At the house, Tara relives the entire conversation... Read more

Monday, June 28th, 2021

Ashland enters his suite with Vikki – ending a call with one of his many lawyers. This isn’t just another deal; it’s his entire legacy. Newman and Locke, two great entities coming together as one, Vikki’s words make her look deliriously happy – until she notices that Ashland doesn’t seem... Read more

Friday, June 25th, 2021

Jack comes down to ask Kyle how it went with Summer last night. Not well – she’s moving to Italy right away. How can I let her go? Nick and Phyllis are helping Summer pack up her suite. No need to send her winter stuff later -she’s taking it all... Read more

Thursday, June 24th, 2021

Amanda storms into Devon’s ranting; My Mother’s a real piece of work – she finally confessed to telling my Father everything on that call. Richard even knew he fathered twins when he was on his way to my foster home. Amanda’s not just heartbroken, she’s furious. Naya knew I had... Read more