Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021

Over breakfast at Society, Lily and Billy briefly talk about the wedding in Italy and how Ashland’s threats will probably amount to nothing (just like Victors’) Don’t look now – but the guy who just arrives is the same man Billy saw with Locke last night. Nick comes out of... Read more

Tuesday, September 21st, 2021

Today’s show is mostly Jack having a dream – then telling Nick that he told Phyllis that he still loves her. Moping over a wedding invitation addressed to ‘Jack and Guest’, Jack declines Traci’s invitation to visit Abby and the baby with her. Whining about having to go to yet... Read more

Monday, September 20th, 2021

Ashland admires the ‘perfect’ portrait up on the wall in Vikki’s office – it represents a new beginning for both of us, he pontificates. Vikki beams. At CL’s, Billy agrees that Ashland dropped a bomb alright – but maybe not a truth bomb. He’s still trying to join forces with... Read more

Wednesday, September 15th, 2021

At Vikki’s house, Nick can’t believe that she’s OK with Ashland’s ‘erased’ past. She vows that nothing and no one will change her love for him. Lily grills Billy – would he be this relentless if Ashland was with someone other than Vikki?? No, he wouldn’t care one bit, Ashland... Read more

Tuesday, September 14th, 2021

Ashland tells the Newmans (and Billy) the same story he told Vikki. He lied when telling reporters that Ian and Mary Locke were nurturing and supportive parents who died young. When he begins to experience what appears to be a panic attack, Vikki steps in to scold everyone. Victor hopes... Read more

Monday, September 13th, 2021

When Billy stops by the Abbott mansion, Jack fills him in on Kyle and Summer’s upcoming wedding and invites him to hitch a ride on the company jet. Naw, Billy doubts they’d want him there; plus, he’s busy with ChanceCom. As for Vikki’s wedding, he’s convinced it’s a terrible mistake.... Read more

Friday, September 10th, 2021

Seconds after Nick goes to the gym to check out the new treadmill, Phyllis greets Jack – what brings you by? Jack’s surprised she has to ask – he’s there to apologize. As Ashland rereads his ‘You’re a hard man to keep track of’ text, Victor joins him in the... Read more

Thursday, September 9th, 2021

A giggly Sharon shows up at Adam’s office – to apologize for sending him away when he came for advice. Mariah was pretty upset when she saw you. Adam understands why she lashed out – I probably had it coming. Again, Sharon’s sorry she wasn’t there for Adam when he... Read more