Friday, November 5th, 2021

When Devon drops by the estate, Nina gives him an update – Victor and Ashley stayed over, Abby’s resting, Chris is on the phone with the State Department. Hello everyone! Abby pours coffee and announces that she’s flying to the safe house in Spain to piece together what became of... Read more

Thursday, November 4th, 2021

At Society, Vikki leaves a long-winded message of support for Abby. Sitting at the bar, Nick receives a frosty greeting. Sit down for a minute? he invites. At CL’s, Phyllis is sorry she forgot about Amanda’s big case and astonished to hear that Sutton was secretly recording their conversation. Be... Read more

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021

Honey, I’m so sorry, Ashley hugs Abby as she weeps over Chance’s ring. On Abby’s front porch, Devon’s on the phone with Amanda – she understands why they need him more than she does. As Devon comes in, Abby’s telling her Dad that she doesn’t need tea – leave me... Read more

Monday, November 1st, 2021

At CL’s, Dominic sleeps in his stroller as Devon, Tessa and Mariah debate whether Chance survived the explosion or not. ‘Thanks again’, Ashley calls out to Sharon as she closes the front door. Both she and Victor feel helpless to alleviate Abby’s suffering. Just a few feet away, Abby lays... Read more

Friday, October 29th, 2021

Running into one another at CL’s, Nikki and Jack chat. He praises what a good job she did planning the Locke’s wedding – Nikki worries that Vikki may not have done a lot of thinking about how bad things could get if Ashland’s treatment doesn’t work. Ring in her hand,... Read more

Thursday, October 28th, 2021

At the penthouse, Devon tells Amanda that he hasn’t heard from Abby and is very worried about how she’ll react if Chance is dead. Victor drops by the estate to fuss over Abby – and scold her for leaving the front door unlocked. Strolling through the park, Tessa’s worried about... Read more

Wednesday, October 27th, 2021

Nick lets himself into Phyllis’ suite. Noting the candles, plates of food, and empty champagne bottle, he’s afraid to ask what happened last night. You mean what didn’t happen last night, a hungover Phyllis wobbles out of the bathroom to comment accusingly. Vikki’s left a message with the oncologist –... Read more

Wednesday, October 26th, 2021

At the estate, Abby’s loved ones fuss over her until Chris finishes her call and hands her phone over to show a photo – so Abby can ‘make a positive identification’. Oh my God, Abby bursts into tears as Devon, Mariah, Tessa and Ashley watch on. With the kids on... Read more

Monday, October 25th, 2021

In the park, Sharon rips into Billy for not letting go of his hatred for Adam. What is it you think he’s done this time??? At the office, Adam and Victor decide it’s the perfect time to attack Billy – since he’s so distracted with looking for Gaines and by... Read more

Friday, October 22nd, 2021

Maybe it’s the Feds with some news, Ashley jumps up to answer the door. Looking at her, Chris and Ashley, Mariah and Tessa immediately detect stress – what’s wrong??????? At Society, Mike updates Amanda and Devon on Sutton’s trial. He’s feeling really good about the jury selected. The defense team,... Read more