Wednesday, November 24th, 2021
According to my all-knowing PVR, the show is not airing today or tomorrow. I highly suspect that’s due to it being Thanksgiving in the US. Enjoy yourselves but please be safe. Read more
Updates by Toni
According to my all-knowing PVR, the show is not airing today or tomorrow. I highly suspect that’s due to it being Thanksgiving in the US. Enjoy yourselves but please be safe. Read more
Sharon’s too busy with boxes of food for the ‘unhoused and lonely’ to pour Phyllis coffee – help yourself though. If you need an extra set of hands, Phyllis’s offer surprises Sharon. Bringing in some more boxes through the patio, Nick updates that he’s sending a few vans of people... Read more
Relieved to find Lily at home, Billy knows she’s upset that he offered to step down from ChanceCom without consulting her. He just wanted to protect her and the company. Surprised by Billy’s offer, Vikki wonders if Lily put him up to it. Ashland doesn’t think so. And, as he... Read more
Thanking Devon for bringing Dominic to the ranch for a visit, Victor expresses his concerns about Abby’s state of mind. In her motel room, Abby talks aloud to Chance – she had to get away from everyone hovering over her to focus. Hmmm – perhaps unpacking this box of trinkets... Read more
At the estate, Jack’s ever so sad to hear that Chance is presumed dead. It’s ‘just awful’, Mariah arrives to check on Abby. Ashley doesn’t know where she went – Dominic will be staying with Devon for a bit. Mariah’s stunned. Hilary comes down as Devon’s burping Dominic (who’s so... Read more
Taking a seat, Sharon again declines leaving Society. Seemingly unfazed by Adam and Sally’s sporadic laughter, she wonders if it’s Rey who’d like to go elsewhere. At ChanceCom, Billy and Lily have a hard time believing what Jesse’s just told them – he made up his entire story. Ashland’s lawyers... Read more
Who could have published that article from ChanceCon’s system? Billy needs answers NOW. Lily knows just where to start. Sally’s once again in Adam’s office – she just read the most fascinating/unsettling article online about Ashland Locke. Adam just finished reading it himself, but, giving nothing away, has someplace he... Read more
It’s time to pull the trigger and blow this thing wide open, Adam quickly ends his call when Sally barges into his office – to say how tired he is of her barging into his office. Sally’s intuition tells her that Adam/Victor have plans to bring down Billy/ChanceCom. So, what... Read more
At ChanceCom, Billy’s not worried that Adam hasn’t called – they have until 6pm. Maybe it’s time to prove that Gaines isn’t on a beach counting his money. Surprised that neither Adam or Victor have sent Vikki over to put a stop to them, Lily still thinks this is a... Read more
Phyllis has accompanied Jack back to the hotel – he’s there to work out. Chloe and Sally arrive to witness Phyllis kiss Jack on the cheek – and the way he gazes at her as she walks away. Finished testifying, Amanda and Mike clink beer bottles at the penthouse. After... Read more