Tuesday, June 21st, 2022

Sally’s in full CEO mode as she sits down at her new desk (Adam’s old desk) and rejoices over the CEO nameplate (in case she forgot her name, new title, and where she works) Adam puts a framed photo of himself and Connor on his new desk. But, when Victor... Read more

Friday, June 17th, 2022

Arriving late for breakfast with his Mother (at Society) Billy’s cranky because Vikki’s leaving town with Ashland. Hearing the whole story, Jill agrees with Lily’s position – let it go. Vikki would never put her kids in danger. Furthermore, if you mess this up with Lily, I’ll never forgive you.... Read more

Thursday, June 16th, 2022

Meeting at Society, Ashley and Traci are waiting for their grand-niece. Flashback #1. John reassures a young, ‘lovely’ Traci that he’s proud of her. Flashback #2. John tells Ashley how proud he is of her. Abby presents a ‘special’ table and has had her chef create a ‘special’ menu. When... Read more

Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

At the house, Kyle’s unimpressed with Marchetti’s numbers – the last quarter was bleak – but we can turn it around, he assures Summer. Angelina’s COO made a lot of mistakes – hopefully, she’s OK with replacing him. Summer just got off the phone with Angelina – she’s made a... Read more

Tuesday, June 14th, 2022

At the podium, it’s almost speech time. Devon and Lily can feel the energy in the air. Well, let’s do this. After a brief chat with Jill, Jack’s approached by Amanda; her friend made a mistake – she’s sorry. Yeah, so am I, Jack sighs. After Abby summons everyone into... Read more

Friday, June 10th, 2022

At TGP, the Chancellor-Winters team admire their big ‘CW’ sign and toast to their bright futures. When Abby comes along, Nate mentions Elena not being able to attend. Claws out, Imani would have refused to miss something this important. That’s not how being a doctor works, Nate informs. After all... Read more

Thursday, June 9th, 2022

At his penthouse, Devon, Lily and Nate are meeting when Billy arrives late to ask for a word with Lily. Nate and Devon watch as she quietly asks Billy to stay focused on the launch instead of his ex. Amanda’s project is finding Imani a date for tonight’s launch party.... Read more