Wednesday, December 17th

Bearing gifts, Ben pays Vikki a surprise visit. Both are delighted when Katie gurgles. At the penthouse, Chelsea ends a call with her lawyer. It had to do with Adam. Some of his assets have been released from probate. It now seems … Real? Billy supplies. Adam’s not happy when... Read more

Tuesday, December 16th

Lauren can’t BELIEVE Mike’s bringing up her affair with Carmine. Oh no, you misunderstand (this time Mike would understand her turning to another man) Anita drops by the penthouse with a bunch of wrapped gifts for Connor (sleeping) Picking up the hand made Christening gown, Anita’s surprised to hear it’s... Read more

Monday, December 15th

Avery drops by Jack’s to announce that she and Dylan are engaged. Jack looks thrilled, Phyllis, not so much. Joe and Kelly plan the cocktail party; complete with full bar. Lily enters to scoff that a few drinks won’t make people side with Joe over Dylan. Jobs will be lost.... Read more