Wednesday, December 23rd

Faith succeeds where all others have failed - getting Victor to join his family's Christmas party.... Traci gathers the Abbott's at the cabin for some sappy sentiments ... Neil tries to push Lily and Cane closer together. Read more

Tuesday, December 22nd

Billy tells Jill that he's turning over a new leaf ... Victor seems determined not to attend the Newman family Christmas party Nikki's hosting just a few floors up at Top of the Tower ... Marisa and Luca get hot n heavy (as Noah and Victor play their game) ... Hilary tells Neil that Gwen wants him bad (and she'd know) ... Ashley pressures Neville to produce .... Cane will be spending the night with his family. Read more

Monday, December 21st

In Victor’s office, Abby annoys Vikki by reading an online article about the family reunion/battle royale at Underground the other day (in which a drunken Billy ended up on the floor) Abby could strangle Billy – and doesn’t blame Vikki for being mad at him – but can’t Vikki find... Read more

Friday, December 18th

At the club, Jack gently and with regret fires Gwen. After losing half a billion, he must cut costs by letting his senior management go. Gwen’s not happy but understands. Merry Christmas, she bleats tearily. Devon comes over to tell Gwen he’s sorry – but is not eager to hire... Read more

Thursday, December 17th

Paul's suspicious of Dr Neville - and so's Neil when he sees Ashley partners up with him .... Noah shows Luca and Marisa around their new offices... Summer's early birthday party/Underground's Christmas party is derailed by a drunken Billy ... Phyllis vows to help a stressed Jack save Jabot ... Read more

Wednesday, December 16th

Marisa leans on Luca, literally - after she quits Underground to work with Luca at Newman (unless Adam and Victor are able to oust the Santori family) Noah is brought onboard..... Sage visits Sharon and Sully - while Nick has a chat with Chelsea. The result? Things look good for a reconciliation ... Billy's having yet another bad day; failing with Kevin and betting on the ponies. Read more

Tuesday, December 15th

Ashley steps down as CEO - then expresses interest in Dr Neville's work (after passing out at the park and chatting with her Dad) .... Devon agrees to cut Dr Neville a check ... Victor kisses Adam's ass, tries to gently get rid of Sage - then annoys Nikki by gloating to Jack and Phyllis ... Neil kisses Hilary ... Lily convinces Cane to give the kids one last family Christmas. Read more

Monday, December 14th

After apologies from both Ben and Ashley, Abby makes her decision on whether to marry Ben or not .... Jack's press conference is taken over by Victor (who wins yet again) ... Billy's day gets even worse; Vikki's done with him, Victor's gloating, and a furious Jack fires him ... One more person does a face plant in the park ... Sully's a crybaby, until Uncle Nick calms him. Read more

Friday, December 11th

Luca continues to drive a wedge between Noah and Marisa (and Victor) ... Jack prepares for his press conference to expose Victor (against Phyllis and Ashley's wishes) ... Abby (and Ben) are caught in the middle of Victor and Ashley's feud ... Billy begs Vikki for one more chance. Read more