Tuesday, March 8th

At the penthouse, Chelsea’s giving Sage a bunch of baby clothes. She’s thrilled for her and Nick – you deserve a happy ending. Why does Sage seem ‘off’? What’s bothering you? On the patio, Nikki tries to convince Nick to go back to Newman – and get Victor out. He... Read more

Monday, March 7th

In Victor’s office, cheerleading team-of-one Summer’s all about supporting Victor – this family, this company needs you, she thinks she can sway the family. At the club, and reading the news online, Phyllis thinks Judge Moxley a freakshow – Billy thinks her a strong woman. And Victor won’t be able... Read more

Friday, March 4th

In Victor’s office, Nikki coaches/encourages her flustered daughter – let the world know that Victor has fallen but the company won’t. On cue, Victor walks in to bark about Vikki trying to steal his company. Get out of the chair. I have work to do! At the club, Mike balks... Read more

Thursday, March 3rd

Poor mistreated Max is with social services - Ben's told to lawyer up .... Phyllis wants her lawyer pal (Mike) to ensure Victor rots in prison ... Nick's not nearly as gung ho as Sage about Shawn's baby boy ... Noah wants to marry Marisa to keep her out of jail (forgetting she's already married) ... Hilary easily manipulates Devon into forgetting about how she got Ashley to step down... Simon's to cure Ashley so they can take Hilary down together. Read more

Wednesday, March 2nd

Vikki learns that Billy is Natalie's new boss; she'd rather have heard it from him, but is OK with it and hopes for peace between the companies and families .... Luca and Kevin are not happy about being partners.... Another dispicable act by Victor is revealed. Chris vows he'll pay (but will he pay enough to appease Phyllis?) ... Angry to hear about Kelly (from Jack and Abby) Ben lashes out at Max. Read more

Tuesday, March 1st

Today is a drinking game. Fill your glasses everyone and take a drink every time Victor says the word 'protect'. Please do not drive or operate heavy machinery afterwards. In fact, just stay seated. I will not be held responsible for any misfortune that arises from your staggering about. Please forward all claims (and suggestions that they buy a thesaurus) to the show's writers. Read more

Monday, February 29th

The long-awaited downfall of Victor Newman commences. Placed under arrest and with his family turning against him, Victor ends up in the hospital (where he's further shunned when Ben reveals there's nothing wrong with him) ... Meeting with the pregnant teen who might be carrying their baby, Nick and Sage introduce her to Sharon, who can't say enough good things about Nick, and Nick alone. Read more

Friday, February 26th

At Top of the Tower, Vikki’s, head’s on a swivel as she barely listens to the wedding planner’s babble. My fiance wanted to be here – I wonder what’s keeping him. In the GCAC dining room, Billy pesters Jack to take Victor down with the evidence Luca compiled. It IS... Read more

Thursday, February 25th

Luca has a CD that details what Victor did to Jack and Phyliss - and uses it force Billy into bringing him on the project ... Billy then blasts Jack for not taking Victor down after what he did to Phyllis .... Summer's updated that her Mom's staying in a suite (needing some space) - she tells Phyllis that Natalie's betraying Victor - with Billy ... Adam tells Chelsea that he was Christian's Father ... Nick and Sage proceed with adoption. Read more

Wednesday, February 24

Nikki's not good at keeping secrets .... Vikki finds Billy hugging Phyllis ..... Summer offers to hide Luca - at her place..... Dylan doesn't appreciate finding Sharon so cozy with Nick.... Nikki blasts Victor ... Phyllis tells Nikki that payback will be epic. Read more