Tuesday, August 30th

Today’s opening is tied for first place as my fave and believe it or not centers around the Winters family. Oh the hair. Neil in a blonde wig, Devon’s fro and bald Lily (and Jill in a bikini!) Paul rants about Chelsea also disappearing with Connor. Dylan’s got no leads... Read more

Monday, August 29th

Today’s show opens with Sharon, Phyllis, Dylan. At Summer’s, Jack’s still not able to reach Phyllis – she’ll be here as soon as she checks her messages. Aside, Jack tells Nick that he’s tried everywhere looking for Phyllis. At Jabot, Phyllis tells Billy that his Mother blackmailed her into going... Read more

Friday, August 26th

Today’s show opens with Nick and Vikki and includes some fun flashbacks and bloopers. In the cabin, Adam’s on video chat with Chelsea. Soon we’ll all be together but for now, they have to trust that Victor will keep his word. Dylan sends cops to search the ranch, the has... Read more

Thursday, August 25th

Camyrn Grimes discusses Cassie’s death; a significant moment in Y&R’s history. Hunter King’s, Summer’s favourite moment is Mariah kissing her (much to Camryn’s amusement) Kevin and Chloe’s favourite scenes. At the ‘party’, Luca thanks all for coming. His goals are simple – to live a long, happy life with Summer.... Read more

Wednesday, August 24th

Chris, Paul, Lauren and Mike remind us of Paul’s full beard, Lauren’s big hair and Mike chiseling through a wall to get to Chris. Top of the Tower is being decorated for the party; a party for the family and the couple who’ve fought to be together. Summer can’t believe... Read more

Tuesday, August 23rd

Best intro yet! Jill and Katherine’s epic battles, as remembered by Jess Walton and Kate Linden. I grabbed a snack while Jason Thompson talked about the character of Billy. Hilary joins Jack at the club’s bar to wow him with a million dollar donation from a deep-pocketed donor she ‘cultivated’.... Read more

Monday, August 22nd

Today’s show opens with some insight from the actors who play Abby, Ben, Adam and Chelsea (complete with flashbacks of course) What? No! Chelsea stands to blurt out when Adam insists on pleading guilty. At GCM, Ben updates Abby and Dylan that the guard slipped into a coma last night.... Read more

Friday, August 19th

Today’s recap is late due to my being whisked away unexpectedly half way through the show to celebrate my 50th birthday. Oh where does the time go? Please enjoy these belated typos and nonsensical sentences. I apologize that I wasn’t able to arrange coverage or notification. I don’t expect to... Read more

Thursday, August 18th

Nick walks into Paul’s office to ask him and Dylan if it’s true – there’s new evidence that proves Adam’s innocence? Yes – Sage’s missing journal pages. At the penthouse, Victor thinks it time Chloe move out. What? she’s alarmed. Victor can’t have her living under the same roof as... Read more

Wednesday, August 17th

Chloe watches as Chelsea reads Adam’s birthday card to Connor – then flashes back to Victor saying his son’s suffered immeasurably. She thinks Connor would soon be getting a better present. What could be better than a letter from his Dad? Chelsea wonders. Adam paces in his cell – stay... Read more