Tuesday, November 7th

Lily and Mike are in the courtroom, as is Cane’s lawyer – but where is her client? (After last night, Lily knows being in limbo is no good for anyone) Spotting Paul, Cane whines that he’s still being held (Billy was bailed out) He must get out or call his... Read more

Monday, November 6th

Sorry he missed a meeting, Devon’s back from an exhausting trip to New York (scouting artists at nightclubs) Neil wishes he had something to be as passionate about. Coming home to loud music, Lily’s surprised that Mattie’s the one playing it while Charlie’s setting the table for dinner. Mattie’s bummed... Read more

Friday, November 3rd

Outside GCM, Billy switches his wheelchair for crutches and watches with envy as a happy couple leaves together. No one here to pick you up? Jack appears to ask. Vikki bumps into Abby at NE. She too can’t believe Nick’s been ‘burned’ again (the first time being you moving into... Read more

Thursday, November 2nd (thanks Sue!)

Behind the barricades, Reed blames himself for Billy being inside Underground. Cane says that if anyone can make it out it’ll be Billy. Nick arrives – he doesn’t care right now why the kids were inside and asks a firefighter for an update. The place has collapsed; it’s unlikely anyone... Read more

Wednesday, November 1st

This is bad – this is awful! Mattie frets (as do Reed and Charlie) And that’s before they realize that Underground is on fire. Sharon comes home to wonder why Mariah’s in a weird mood. She heard her say she felt ‘physically ill’ when leaving the coffee house earlier. What’s... Read more

Tuesday, October 31st

In costume, the twins come home to find that Cane’s decorated the house for Halloween. It’s going to be awesome! he holds a candle below his chin in a bid to be scary. The twins couldn’t look more mortified. At Jabot, Victor sticks his arm in the elevator door to... Read more

Monday, October 30th

Victor arrives at BnS to see Vikki throwing boxes of BnS’s mask into the garbage. It’s time to go for a walk, he insists as he holds up her coat. Managing to get past Gloria to find Jack’s office empty, Billy threatens to tell the whole family (including Dina) that... Read more

Friday, October 27th

As Vikki tosses and turns in her hospital bed, Billy’s at BnS still doing damage control on the phone. In Florida, Jack and Ashley are deciding what to do when Dina reappears. This time she’s delighted by the visit – did you sleep well? At CL’s, Scott’s sure that Design... Read more

Thursday, October 26th

At BnS, Billy orders a tech to do tests on the mask then does damage control by phone and video conference; no, there’s no problem with any of BnS’s products, he repeats over and over the rips out his earpiece to lay down. Lauran marches in – have you seen... Read more

Wednesday, October 25th

In the motel room, Scott gets out of the bed (with Natalia’s dead body) pulls his shirt off, puts out the do not disturb sign and leaves a message for Victor – I need your help right away. At GCM, Billy follows Vikki’s gurney as far as he’s allowed then... Read more