Tuesday, November 21st

At the head of his festively decorated table, Victor addresses his guests; Tessa, Noah, Abby on one side, Vikki, Reed, Faith and Chelsea on the other. He touches upon the hard times that have made him value his family all the more. Let us give thanks and pause to remember... Read more

Monday, November 20th

At CL’s, Sharon and Mariah are watching the start of Hilary’s mysterious live show. Who knows what she’s cooking up for ratings this time. Nikki and Vikki are lunching at the club. Nikki declines Vikki’s invite to the Newman family dinner – but she won’t be spending the holiday alone,... Read more

Friday, November 17th

You’re being paranoid and scaring me, Abby insists Scott means nothing to her. Don’t lie to me! Zack waves the gun around – you’re no better than the girls on my payroll. You cheated. Say goodbye, lovers. A gun is fired. As Zack falls, we see Crystal briefly in the... Read more

Thursday, November 16th

A jittery Scott waits in a car until Abby returns with a motel key – Zack’s car’s parked out back. This is the time to act, he doesn’t want to wait for the police. Their hands touch briefly as Abby hands over the key. You’re not going anywhere’, Scott orders.... Read more

Wednesday, November 15th

Mariah’s at CL’s to see how Sharon’s doing. I can blow off work to keep you company and distract you from your missing boyfriend, she offers. Hilary going on air to talk about Abby and Scott being missing will help (as does Jack and Victor’s reward for info) Sharon thinks... Read more

Tuesday, November 14th

Now daytime, Abby and Scott are still stuck in the storage locker. He awakens grumbling as she’s making noise to try attract attention. Nobody’s coming, Scott’s sure – we’re in the middle of nowhere. Abby disagrees – I’m a Newman and an Abbott and you’re a semi-renowned journalist. Someone will... Read more

Monday, November 13th

Arriving at the office, Vikki’s puzzled when she passes NE’s head of security. He’s searching for Abby, Victor says. She left with Zack willingly, Vikki points out – then raves about the event being a success – there’s no mention of Dina stabbing Mom or the prostitute … Victor’s preoccupied... Read more

Friday, November 10th

Top of the Tower is in chaos as Scott pounds on the elevator door. Abby!!! What the hell just happened? That girl said Design Date is a front for prostitution? Abby’s nearly hyperventilating as the elevator takes them down. You’re going to blame this on Scott!? She wants to go... Read more

Thursday, November 9th

At Jabot, Abby’s bubbling over with excitement when inviting her Mother to the party her Dad’s throwing for her. There’s been a lot of closed-door meetings. She suspects Victor might be announcing that he’s giving her a new title and a bigger role in the company! Ashley’s so happy for... Read more

Wednesday, November 8th

As Lily looks over at Cane sleeping in GCM’s waiting room, Juliet lays motionless in a hospital bed as her monitors start to beep. Jordan marches into the station as Hilary’s looking at his fake ID’s that she’s posted on the GC Buzz website. What the hell did you do... Read more