Tuesday, December 19th

Now home, Phyllis forces a conversation on how Billy feels about her voting against him (and in favour of Jack) Billy believes Phyllis is throwing her ex a bone – you feel guilty for falling in love with his sexier brother. Denying he’s jealous, Billy refuses to let the vote... Read more

Monday, December 18th

At the club, Nikki’s distracted by thoughts of being locked up in an orange jumpsuit as Nick blathers on about his great rally at the park. Yes, of course, I’m OK, Nikki’s just ‘having one of those days’. Nick thinks it more than that – what’s going on? Victor’s at... Read more

Friday, December 15th

Abby taps, fiddles, slurps, then annoys Vikki even more by asking about JT’s investigation. Victor then barges in demanding answers on who transferred his funds – before JT finds out. On the CL’s patio, Nikki warns Kevin that it’s about to come out that she transferred Victor’s funds to an... Read more

Thursday, December 14th

No, no no, Phyllis is ‘swamped’ and has no time for elevator sex with Billy. That’s not what he’s at Jabot for – this is really ‘important’. At CL’s, Scott can’t keep his lips or hands off Sharon. He’s not even going to the office – his co-workers won’t let... Read more

Wednesday, December 13th

At the club, Nikki gives Vikki a big hug – she wasn’t sure her daughter would want to see her since they’re on opposite sides regarding Chancellor Park. Your Father must be furious that he was outbid. Both wonder who put in the winning bid. Nick and Devon are at... Read more

Tuesday, December 12th

Previously: This park is going to get stolen out from under us, Nick grumbles. This has to stop, Nikki agrees … Chelsea thinks Nick and Nikki have hit a dead end; maybe it’s time to back off. No, Nikki thinks they need to find another way to stop Victor (who’s... Read more

Monday, December 11th

At the Abbott home, Jack and Ashley inform Dina that they’ve come to a compromise; Jack resume his CEO position and Ashley will work in the lab. Miffed that she wasn’t consulted, Dina’s going to pack and take the next flight to Paris – before they compromise her right into... Read more

Friday, December 8th

Thanks once more to Riley for today’s spoiler. ‘See’ y’all Monday! In the Newman lobby, Abby and Vikki run into one another. Awkwardly, Abby asks if Victor is back and they both opt for coming back later. Nick breaks the news to Nikki that Victor is behind the plan to... Read more

Thursday, December 7th

Thanks yet again to Riley! Abby stops by Jack’s house, where Ashley is watching Dina. Ashley picks up on Abby’s odd behaviour, as she’s still dealing with her feelings towards Scott. When Ashley asks about him, Abby acts like nothing is going on between them anymore. Ashley asks how it... Read more

Wednesday, December 6th

Thanks to Meghan for today’s recap (which she somehow managed to watch while also watching twins!) Hilary/Jack – She offered Jack the opportunity of promoting Jabot on her show in exchange for sponsorship. At the Abbott mansion Jack got a call that there was an intruder on the property. He... Read more