Thursday, January 4th

Lily’s at the club. Cane’s at home. Both are thinking about the other, typing the same messages to each other, then deleting the texts before sending. ‘Did I screw everything up’? they both wonder. Come on sleeping beauty, you can’t be late for your first day working with Cane, Phyllis... Read more

Wednesday, January 3rd

As Sharon, Scott and Abby search the club for Christian, Chelsea gives the club manager a description of him. Aside, Abby wails to Scott that this is all her fault for getting into a stupid fight with Sharon. Glaring at the pair, Sharon stomps off. As Lauren follows the manager,... Read more

Tuesday, January 2nd

Nick really doesn’t want to be at Sharon’s doing this – it’s gonna hurt. He finally rips the band-aid off and tattles that he saw Scott kissing another woman the other night. ‘Who’ is not important. Well, it is to Sharon. Why is Nick protecting this woman? It’s now the... Read more

Monday, January 1st

Walking over to the club’s bar, JT grabs Billy’s drink to sniff his ‘liquid breakfast’ and blame his (not so) positive influence on Reed getting arrested for DUI (all news to Billy) At home, Cane’s sending Jill a zip file to read on her way home to Australia (positive sales... Read more

YR Spoiler: Wednesday, December 27th

Chelsea’s all dressed up for the Newman re-nuptials while jokester Nick is wearing nothing but a tool belt (a Christmas gift from Chelsea) I had one beer, maybe two – Reed’s had enough lecturing from his parents on the drive back from the station. Vikki insists Reed get himself ready... Read more

YR Spoiler; Tuesday, December 26th

At the club, Billy assures Ashley that he has her back, 100%. What now? Ashley’s going to court. Jack’s not afraid to get down and dirty. Yes, but knowing Ashley as he does, Billy thinks Jack has no idea what he’s getting into. Jack’s at the Chancellor Estate trying (and... Read more

Friday, December 22nd

At home, Mariah and Sharon are stumped on what to buy each other for Christmas. While Mariah goes to Nick for help, Sharon seeks Faith’s guidance. Gift cards, a pony, reindeer slippers, giant mugs, a waffle iron, a puppy etc. are all ruled out. Now home, Mariah and Sharon exchange... Read more

Thursday, December 21st

Dina, Traci, Abby and Ashley set the table for Christmas Eve dinner. Hearing that Billy, Phyllis and Hilary are coming, Dina snarls about Hilary (‘quelle surprise’ that she’s alone this year) Jack comes in to ask Ashley if she wants to sit at the head of the table. She wants... Read more

Wednesday, December 20th

In their on again and off again marital home, Victor shows Nikki Devon’s press release – the angle is that the Newmans reunited to save Chancellor Park. And they lived happily ever after, Nikki sneers at the fabricated fairy tale. At NE, Vikki and Abby read the online news; both... Read more