Monday, December 24th

After welcoming Jack and Kerry the party at CL’s, Sharon gets a scolding from Mariah for not making Tessa feel welcome. When Billy and Vikki stop by, Sharon wanders over and informs that Rey’s there – just to unwind like everyone else. Kerry and Jack offer Vikki a few supportive... Read more

Friday, December 21st

Nick rejoins Vikki outside their Mom’s room. Why isn’t Dad here? He must have heard how bad things are. Vikki worries Nikki can’t pull through without him. Hearing the kids giggling as they wrap gifts, Billy lowers his voice and pretends to be Santa checking that Johnny and Katie are... Read more

Thursday, December 20th

Nick at his Mom’s bedside, Nate has no good news for him. Yes, Nikki’s tough but the longer she remains unconscious, the worse her prognosis is. Reed sits quietly in the shadows while Billy chatters about Johnny (upstairs getting ready for the Christmas pageant – Hannah’s taking Katie to the... Read more

Wednesday, December 19th

Sharon’s brought a mac n cheese casserole to Vikki’s for her and the kids. We’re in this together – both worry that whoever ran Nikki over will come for them. Serving Mariah and Tessa their meal, Fen mentions that he’s leaving early to do something (that he won’t jinx by... Read more

Tuesday, December 18th

Jack comes home to update Kyle that Nikki was hit by a car – it doesn’t look good. What kind of low life would just leave her to die in the street? Kyle wonders. Reed’s at Mattie’s to check on Charlie – he’s pretty bummed about Shawna dumping him. He... Read more

Monday, December 17th

With a thump, Reed and Charlie wonder if they hit something. Nikki laying on the ground, Reed stops Charlie from getting out to check. I’ll drive you home – forget this happened. Now home, Charlie and Reed hiss at one another so as not to wake Cane up (which neither... Read more

Friday, December 14th

Lose track of time? Jack turns the TV off as Billy’s munching popcorn and watching a Christmas movie marathon (preferable to watching Phyllis prance around with Nick at Jabot’s ‘Holiday Party’) This is exactly where I want to be, Billy assures. As Mia does her makeup, Phyllis reads texts from... Read more

Wednesday, December 12th

Vikki and Nikki assure Reed that Victor didn’t kill his Dad – JT has a lot of enemies. When Mariah comes home, Tessa loudly awakens from her nightmare (which Mariah blames on Nikki and Vikki terrorizing her) Tessa needs to go out for some air – talking about what happened... Read more

Tuesday, December 11th

‘I come in peace’, Cane’s at Devon’s to apologize. Inviting him in briefly, Devon’s got a lot of work to do. Mentioning Neil, Devon assumes that’s why Cane’s checking up on him. Billy’s at Vikki’s hoping they can both talk to Reed (who comes down and runs out without talking... Read more