Wednesday, December 12th

Vikki and Nikki assure Reed that Victor didn’t kill his Dad – JT has a lot of enemies. When Mariah comes home, Tessa loudly awakens from her nightmare (which Mariah blames on Nikki and Vikki terrorizing her) Tessa needs to go out for some air – talking about what happened... Read more

Tuesday, December 11th

‘I come in peace’, Cane’s at Devon’s to apologize. Inviting him in briefly, Devon’s got a lot of work to do. Mentioning Neil, Devon assumes that’s why Cane’s checking up on him. Billy’s at Vikki’s hoping they can both talk to Reed (who comes down and runs out without talking... Read more

Monday, December 10th

Yes, we’re alone. Take a breath, Vikki calms her Mom down. The person who’s been tormenting us has been in my house, my bedroom – and left these (the clothes we buried JT in) They were laid out on the bed – someone’s mocking me, Nikki frets. Vikki wonders how... Read more

Friday, December 7th

Waiting at CL’s, Mariah sends Tessa a text – aren’t you coming? Why are you ignoring me now? Hood over her head, Tessa’s phone goes off beside her as she pleads with whoever’s driving – please, you don’t have to do this! At home, Charlie’s on the phone with Shawna.... Read more

Tuesday, December 4th

Another day starts with Nikki still unable to reach Victor – Summer hasn’t heard from him either. Has something happened to him? she frets again. No, Vikki’s sure her Dad’s fine and busy working. Getting a call, Nikki’s disappointed that it’s Rey – he wants her and Vikki at the... Read more

Monday, December 3rd

OMG! Watching the stables burn, Nikki and Vikki are about to hop out of the car to rescue the horses and stable hands when Rey jumps in to stop them by saying that all are safe. Yes, he can order the Newmans off the property because this is an ongoing... Read more

Friday, November 30th

Mike joins Lauren at the club as she’s plastering on makeup (Kerry’s new colours) And tonight we’re going to a party being hosted by a new makeup artist in town. Mike’s distracted – doesn’t that guy over there look like Fenmore? Hi Mom, hi Dad (it is indeed Fen) Shawna’s... Read more