Wednesday, March 13th, 2019

A weepy Nikki clings to Victor – this could be our last chance to say goodbye. 30 years, she wails. Victor will do everything in his power to get this conviction thrown out ~hug~ In another visiting room, Mariah vows to visit Sharon – and yes, she’ll be there for... Read more

Tuesday, March 12th, 2019

In the courtroom, Billy frets about the kids if Vikki’s convicted. Abby and Jack remain positive. But where’s Nick? He’s at home confronting Summer on her engagement. It’s exciting, right? she’s about to have everything she ever wanted and hopes both her Dad and Mom will walk her down the... Read more

Monday, March 11th, 2019

At Dark Horse, Jack and Nick discuss why the jury might be taking so long in deliberating the fate of Nikki, Sharon and Vikki. Both (obviously) hope they’re found innocent. Mike’s arranged for Nikki, Sharon and Vikki to wait together for the verdict. The Newmans think Sharon should be grateful... Read more

Friday, March 8th, 2019

Phyllis barges into Jack’s house blathering on about Summer being his daughter soon. How do you not know?! Summer and Kyle are getting married (news to Jack) Fussing over a breakfast platter at Nick’s, Summer sends Kyle a text – summoning him over; we have much to discuss xo Arturo... Read more

Thursday, March 7th, 2019

Mike has Vikki tell the jury about her relationship with JT over the last year. Reed moved in, JT followed a few months later after his wife filed for divorce. We were happy – then he became emotionally and physically abusive. Vikki was too ashamed to tell anyone – except... Read more

Wednesday, March 6th, 2019.

At the courthouse, Rey half-heartedly tries to get rid of Mia (who’s there to support her husband) I’m being called to testify for the defense, not the prosecution – but Rey’s confident he did everything right. As the Rosales’ take a seat, all wonder what Britney knows that they don’t.... Read more

Tuesday, March 5th, 2019

At the club, both Summer and Kyle are stunned that he just offered to marry her to save Lola. It’s what you want – you win, Kyle sighs – he means it – let’s do this. You give me what I need and I give you what you want (Whaddaya... Read more

Friday, March 1st, 2019

Mike visits his clients to slam a transcript of Phyllis’ testimony on the desk. He’ll do his best to undo the damage but there’s no guarantee of success. If they don’t tell the truth about what happened that night they risk going to prison! OK, Nikki admits that everything Phyllis... Read more