Thursday, October 3rd, 2019

Mike drops by the ranch to note the Newmans are all dressed up. Family gettogether. Any second thoughts on letting Adam go? No. Then Mike hopes at least that Victor’s keeping tabs on his whereabouts in case he attacks the family again. Victor will handle this his way. At Society,... Read more

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019

After a disgruntled business associate hangs up on her, Vikki frets to her Mom (at the office) – Victor’s scheme has caused fallout for the company that she fears she won’t be able to fix anytime soon. At home, Chelsea updates Nick that Connor barely spoke to her when she... Read more

Tuesday, October 1st, 2019

At Jabot, Kyle and Summer are both supportive of Billy’s return to work as they mention the merger with Ashley’s company being complete. Jack arrives to roll his eyes at Victor being alive – The Mustache isn’t the only one capable of pulling off a surprise, he smiles mysteriously. There’s... Read more

Monday, September 30, 2019

Nikki urgently tries to get Victor to go upstairs before Mike arrives. Unconcerned, Victor says it’s alright. You’re alive, Mike walks in to state the obvious. I am indeed, Victor confirms. At Nick’s, Chelsea’s furious that he lied to her. All you and your family care about is your plan... Read more

Friday, September 27th, 2019

At home, Chelsea and Nick briefly discuss Connor – then Adam being invited to Victor’s funeral. He won’t be there, Chelsea informs that he’s leaving town. Running away from what he’s done, Nick concludes. Adam appears at the ranch as Victor sits at his chessboard. How long have you known... Read more

Wednesday, September 25th, 2019

At TGP, Abby, Nate, Tessa and Mariah have joined Devon in celebrating Elena’s birthday. Champagne flutes are raised as Devon toasts to the ‘miracle worker’ who saved his life. Cheers. After Abby goes to get the cake, Nate and Elena talk animatedly while Devon doesn’t get to warn Mariah in... Read more

Tuesday, September 24th, 2019

Nikki and Vikki drop by TGP to chat with Abby about the hotel rebounding. Abby doesn’t believe the charges against her sister and doesn’t worry that Vikki’s presence will scare customers away. Nikki’s sure that Adam will make another move and a mistake. Abby hopes so – but isn’t thrilled... Read more

Monday, September 23rd, 2019

Titan Falls – Daughter Arrested. At home, Adam sniffles as he reads the breaking news of his Father’s death online. You weren’t supposed to die, he mutters before continuing to read about the investigation. This is a nightmare, Nikki frets to Victor. Adam planned this for a long time; killing... Read more

Friday, September 20th, 2019

Vikki and Billy are at the ranch to discuss Adam murdering Victor and framing Vikki. Jack appears – this is not how he expected to find them coping. At Nick’s, Chelsea’s frustrated by numerous texts from Adam. He wants to see his son and she’s not sure how much longer... Read more