Thursday, October 31st, 2019

At home, Nikki scolds Victor for eating candy. Now that he’s retired, he can do whatever he wants – maybe he’ll be a contestant on The Price Is Right. Saying that things are going to get very busy very fast, Nikki gives Victor a quick kiss and leaves him to... Read more

Wednesday, October 30th, 2019

At TGP, an exhausted Abby complains to the masked concierge behind his desk. Halloween loosens everyone’s inhibitions too much for her liking. Do we have any rooms available? Looking at the computer, the masked man nods. Deciding to crash there for the night, Abby scowls over at Sharon and Rey.... Read more

Tuesday, October 29th, 2019

Chelsea, Nick and Christian are dressed up in old west inspired costumes while Billy, Vikki and Johnny are goth zombies. Adam’s reportedly on his way to CL’s to drop Connor off. On cue, he calls. Unable to hear him, Chelsea goes to the patio. We have a problem, Adam informs... Read more

Friday, October 25th, 2019

Thanks for nothing! Theo hangs up as Summer arrives at Society. He just lost another influencer to a rival. He’s being dumped one by one. That gives you more time to pay attention to the clients you still have. Like who? Me, Summer reminds the ‘jerk’. Jack and Traci welcome... Read more

Thursday, October 24th, 2019

Sharon’s surprised when Adam walks into CL’s – brought back by Nick because of Connor. He’s moved in with me – help me help my son, he implores. Cane finds Jill waiting on pins and needles at Society. She’s sure Devon will make things right. Yes, she expects him to... Read more

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019

Hey you – Elena’s made lunch for a troubled Devon (who hasn’t eaten a bite since Jill and Cane confirmed that Kay’s will was altered) The inheritance may not be all who Devon is but it bought this penthouse and funded the company he started. He may not have become... Read more

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2019

At the penthouse, Phyllis logs onto her laptop to see what her partners are up to at TGP – hmmm, privacy; it ain’t what it used to be. Nick’s brought Adam back to an emotional Chelsea, who thanks him for coming but needs to get a few things straight before... Read more

Monday, October 21st, 2019

Connor? Chelsea summons her son from his room. Let’s go visit grandpa today – how does that sound? Unenthused, Connor goes to fetch his jacket. Chelsea texts Nick – have you found Adam? Nick’s at his door and will keep her posted. Opening his door, Adam correctly guesses that Phyllis... Read more

Friday, October 18th, 2019

Nate accosts Abby at Society – he’s been rethinking what he said the other day and wants another shot at it. Let’s go somewhere quiet, Abby leads him aside. On the CL’s patio, Jill informs Devon that Cane’s coming home with the original pages of Kay’s will. They disagree on... Read more