Thursday, January 16th, 2020

At Society’s bar, Mariah’s moping over a photo of Tessa that’s been posted online when she gets a text from Sharon asking her to come to the house. Everything OK? We’ll talk when you get here. Bumping into Nikki on her way out, a distracted Mariah’s asked if she’s OK.... Read more

Tuesday, January 14th, 2020

At the house, Sharon confides in Rey – I have breast cancer. Nick chats with Chance at CL’s – he has some questions regarding his brother Adam. At TGP, Abby’s sorry Chelsea chose Adam over her much better brother Nick but will try to keep her feelings to herself and... Read more

Monday, January 13th, 2020

At home, Billy’s on the phone as Vikki buzzes around him but otherwise pretends he’s not there. He’d would be happy to consult on future projects but has a few things going on here. Mariah’s seated with Devon at Society. She hasn’t talked to Tessa and assumes she’s busy meeting... Read more

Monday, January 6th, 2020

On the CL’s patio, Sharon’s excited to hear that Tanner Watts has asked Tessa to go on tour with him – then stunned when Mariah adds that they were once married. At the apartment, Tanner pitches his tour to Tessa – hard. You’ll have the time of your life. What’s... Read more

Friday, January 3rd, 2019

Shouldn’t you be at the studio? Mariah tells Tessa that she didn’t sleep last night because she was thinking about what Tessa told her the night before. Yes, you SHOULD have told me you were married – you had plenty of opportunities yet chose to lie. I thought we were... Read more