Tuesday, April 14th, 2020

At CL’s, Sharon insists on proving she’s feeling fine by taking over as Mariah’s making fake flower arrangements for the tables. Once again Sharon finds herself looking at shattered glass on the floor. Adam stands to assure Nick that this is no game – and Victor clearly IS a murderer... Read more

Monday, April 13th, 2020

After breakfast at home, Nikki knows Victor’s quite because it’s Adam’s first day as CEO. She’s left to look worried when he abruptly heads to the stables for a horseback ride. Chelsea drops by Adam’s office to gush that he’s finally where he’s meant to be. Victor’s portrait? It’s been... Read more

Friday, April 10th, 2020

Yesterday’s show was a repeat from 1973 if the guide on my TV is accurate. Stay safe everyone!! Introducing herself at TGP, Vikki makes it clear that she’s Adam’s HALF sister. Claiming to know what she and Adam are working on, Vikki says that SHE’S the one in the dark.... Read more

Wednesday, April 8th, 2020

Sharon’s about to close CL’s when Nick arrives to join Rey and ask about her test results. Unable to wait any longer, Sharon calls her doctor looking for answers. A clipboard-carrying enforcement officer for the city serves Abby with paperwork – I’m shutting you down. Seated in the lounge, Phyllis... Read more

Tuesday, April 7th, 2020

Traci brings a gift basket to the office of the co-head of Chancellor Communications. Lily’s delighted and assures that she can handle Billy (a bit of a handful) Your team of guardian angels supports you; Dru, Neil and Colleen, Traci then concerns Lily by tearing up. Someone’s a little jumpy,... Read more

Monday, April 6th, 2020

At the penthouse, Chelsea and Adam can’t believe what just happened – Victor’s replacing Vikki with Adam at Newman. Clearly what the Kansas coroner told Alyssa is true. Victor may have folded but Adam doesn’t expect his siblings to follow suit. Call him back and rescind the offer, Vikki’s sure... Read more

Friday, April 3rd, 2020

At Society, Chloe’s suggestion of Chelsea 3.0 is rejected as her baby kicks. Chelsea reaffirms that she’s very happy with Adam – we might have something to celebrate by the end of the day. Victor’s not at NE to check up on Vikki – he has something to discuss. What... Read more

Thursday, April 2nd, 2020 (repeat)

My channel did not air a new episode today. It was a repeat of a recent broadcast in which Phyllis demands Chelsea’s shares in the hotel – Abby guesses she’s being blackmailed …. Adam tells Chelsea that story of what happened in Vegas. Sharon begins her cancer journey … It’s... Read more

Wednesday, April 1st, 2020

Seated behind his desk, Nick’s mind is on Phyllis. She’s caught grinning at TGP by Amanda – there’s only thing that makes me smile like that. Nikki fusses as Vikki packs up to go to the office. She’s liberated being free of Billy and finally had a good night’s sleep.... Read more

Tuesday, March 31st, 2020

Arriving at Society, Lola finds Theo deep in thought. He updates on Dina – she updates on Kyle asking for a divorce. It’s time, no big deal, right? In Jabot’s boardroom, Summer vents to Kyle about her parents. I’m through with them. Would it kill them to just grow up!?... Read more