Tuesday, August 25th 2020

After a glorious shower, Sharon asks Rey to make her an omelet. Chelsea busts in frantic because Adam didn’t come home last night – he may be gone for good! Meanwhile, an emotional Adam is walking around his childhood home; the farm in Kansas, You look incredible, Theo compliments Lola... Read more

Monday, August 24th, 2020

An anxious Phyllis makes sure the TGP lobby decor is perfect – ready, set, here we go. On the CL’s patio, Nick prompts Summer to check her email on her phone. She wonders why her Dad looks so handsome and mischievous – and what she’s been invited to? Nick’s next... Read more

YR Spoiler; Friday, August 21st, 2020

Adam awakens in bed to tell Chelsea that he’s starting to remember what happened all those years ago in Kansas. He must see Sharon! Chelsea’s not impressed to be left alone. Serving Sharon breakfast, Rey wants her to relax and focus on her health. She’s anxious to start working with... Read more

Wednesday, August 19th, 2020

You’re up early, Rey comes down to hear that Sharon slept well and is awaiting Adam. He has faith that she can help him. Before he goes, he has something to ask of her. Adam’s anxious but glad that Chelsea changed her mind on him working with Sharon. He needs... Read more

Tuesday, August 18th, 2020

Chelsea’s at Sharon’s to inform that she and Adam have decided that he doesn’t need therapy. Why isn’t he there himself? Never mind, just accept and respect that this is a mutual decision. Victor’s at the penthouse to say the it’s a good thing that Adam doesn’t remember killing AJ... Read more

Monday, August 17th, 2020

Sharon had a heavy conversation with Adam. Rey spoke to Nick – he told him about your cancer. What could have been so important? Adam found out about a tragic childhood experience he can’t remember. Rey’s unimpressed to hear that Sharon’s going to help him. Meanwhile, at the penthouse, Chelsea’s... Read more

Friday, August 14th, 2020

Chelsea comes downstairs to ask Adam if he’d like to come with her to pick up Connor. No, he’s not ready to face Victor yet. Have faith in us, Chelsea delivers a pep talk. Adam’s not up for making plans – he needs to clear his head. Do what you... Read more

Thursday, August 13th, 2020

Nick’s at the ranch to ask his Mom if Vikki replacing Adam at Newman means Dad’s going to prison for murder. Victor enters to relay the story of 11-year-old Adam pushing AJ to protect his Mother. So, this sonofabitch is trying to blackmail his own Father for a murder HE... Read more

Wednesday, August 12th, 2020

Sharon awakens from a nap on the sofa to ask Faith and Rey if she was talking in her sleep – what did I say? You repeated a word I’m not supposed to say – bleep cancer, bleep cancer, Faith chuckles. On the CL’s patio, Chelsea offers to pick up... Read more