Wednesday, October 7th, 2020

Meeting Nikki at Chancellor Park, Victor claims that Adam’s not the problem, Billy Boy Abbott is. Lily arrives at Billy’s suite at TGP as he’s putting his shirt on. With brief mention of Chelsea being found unconscious in the elevator last night, Billy shows her footage of Adam going through... Read more

Tuesday, October 6th, 2020

Billy’s not surprised when Chelsea shows up at ChanceCom demanding an explanation. Calling her out on planting the bug, he wonders why she’s mad at him instead of Adam. The Chelsea he knew wouldn’t have been played so easily. Chance is at the penthouse fretting about being identified as the... Read more

Monday, October 5th, 2020

Lily’s at the penthouse to catch up with Devon; who she’s been worried about. Why did I have to hear from Billy that Amanda’s Hilary’s sister? Billy’s on his phone with Amanda – what happened in court? I knew I could count on you, he smiles. At the penthouse, Adam... Read more

Friday, October 2nd, 2020

Nate and Elena have sex at the clinic. At TGP, Amanda makes a toast – to Hilary and the path that lead me to her. Devon also makes a toast – to taking a chance and letting new people into your life – ‘you never know what’s going to happen’,... Read more

Thursday, October 1st, 2020

Vikki’s glad her Dad came by the office – to clear the air. Knowing she saw Billy Boy and the reporter, Victor accuses her of being behind the hatchet job. Are you the one who betrayed me? At Society, Jack’s appalled by what Billy’s article has done to poor Faith.... Read more

Wednesday, September 30th, 2020

Please tell me you didn’t just do what I think you did! Lily’s aghast to hear that Billy published ‘The Making of a Monster’ without even letting her or Amanda know. Relax!? Billy’s sure Lily will thank him for running the story on Adam. The Newmans will be caught flat-footed... Read more

Tuesday, September 29th, 2020

At the penthouse, Chelsea and Adam eavesdrop on Billy; who finally says something ‘Jackpot’ – as he reads an email. Lily appears to ask what he’s so happy about. Adam Newman; the making of a monster – we’ve got him. Chelsea and Adam look ill. Over coffee at CL’s, Traci... Read more

Friday, September 25th, 2020

Asked why she’s watching old episodes of GC Buzz at CL’s, Amanda’s news that she’s Hilary’s twin doesn’t shock Mariah – she knows a thing or two about the ole long lost twin coming to town phenomenon. Amanda then asks Mariah to share some insight into her former on-air partner.... Read more