Friday, July 20th

Mariah comes down to notice that Sharon’s breakfast table is one place-setting short. Nick didn’t come home last night, Sharon’s pissed. Nick and Phyllis awaken in her bed. That happened, she states the obvious. Devon wakes up from a nap in a chair beside Hilary’s bed. She cries again about... Read more

Thursday, July 19th

Ashley’s happy that Billy’s moved back into the family home. And as she asks about the ‘muddled trail’ of paperwork for Jaboat, he gets a text from Phyllis – who says HELL NO WE CAN’T GET TOGETHER. I DON’T WANT TO SEE OR SPEAK TO YOU. The repairs are done,... Read more

Wednesday, July 18th

The penthouse is empty when a distressed Shawna leaves a message on the house phone for Devon – please call me! Reclining on his sofa, Neil’s listening to his jazz so loud that he misses Shawna’s call and brings Nate down to complain. Two gurneys are wheeled into GCM’s emergency... Read more

Tuesday, July 17th

Hilary can’t wait for Devon to get back from his trip tonight. Shawna appreciates Hilary being cool about Charlie coming over – you’re going to kick butt as a Mom. Hearing she’ll be studying, Hilary leaves the young, responsible Shawna to it – don’t study too hard. Now alone, Shawna... Read more

Monday, July 16th

In her office, both Vikki and her Mom are freaking out because they can’t reach Victor. Oh, thank God! Nikki gasps as she runs into his arms. Why didn’t you call? Vikki scolds her Dad – and where’s JT? Victor stuns them with the news that Nick’s been impersonating JT.... Read more

Friday, July 13th

What? Ashley asks when Neil stops kissing her to say that he’s not sure this is what he wants. You disgusting son of a …. you dug into Philip’s casket?! Jill sputters in fury. Kyle was drunk and he only got a little …. You brought this on yourself, Jack... Read more

Thursday, July 12th

No sooner has Kyle told Jack that the lab will have the DNA results done by the end of the day, a furious Jill shows up at the front door. Yes, she spoke to Ester – where’s your miscreant son? This crazy notion that you’re Philip’s son has got to... Read more

Wednesday, July 11th

Kyle finds Ashley pulling files out of Billy’s desk (since the CEO isn’t at work yet) She’s looking into Jabot’s new expenses – she can’t find the title for the boat or where the money came from. Sorry, Kyle can’t look into it – Ashley needs to question Jaboat’s captain.... Read more

Tuesday, July 10th

Summer finds her Mom struggling with a TV dinner – let’s go get some real food. Agreeing, Phyllis is going to surprise Billy (at work) with take out. No, you can’t, Summer blurts out. At home, Nick’s not surprised that Sharon’s jumpy (after seeing JT). He gets a text from... Read more

Monday, July 9th

Billy puts his framed photo of ‘Jaboat’ in his desk drawer when Summer enters his office. No, he didn’t get her back yet, but he has a plan; more poker. Summer worries that people will notice the boat missing soon and feels guilty for her role in Billy losing it.... Read more