Friday, February 8th, 2109

Nikki assures Chris that she’s not trying to stall – you’re arresting the wrong person. She can’t stand by another minute and watch her husband be blamed for something he didn’t do. ‘Nikki please’, Victor (and Mike) interject. Jack’s not sure swimming in these temperatures is a good idea. Coming... Read more

Thursday, February 7th, 2019

At the club, paperwork spread out on the bar, Mike’s working on Victor’s case as the news reports details. Dressed for court, Nikki and Victor watch at home as the anchor ends her segment by saying that Victor could go to prison for life. Also watching in the respective homes,... Read more

Wednesday, February 6th, 2019.

Startled by Victor, Nikki hates feeling unsafe in her own home. Victor’s on it – no one will get in here uninvited ever again. Regarding the recording of Nick and Victor, Nikki also hates that her fate lies in Sharon’s hands. Sharon drops by Nicks’ to apologize – there was... Read more

Tuesday, February 5th, 2019

Devon and Anna have closed the club to host a private event; Fen’s launch party. Anna’s sure he’ll be a big success. Devon hopes so. Anna texts Fen – come early, Devon’s nervous. Mariah drops by the station to interrupt her Mom’s hard work (reading email crime tips) Updated about... Read more

Monday, February 4th, 2019

Phyllis is on the phone with Kyle – congratulating him on his fantastic job modeling. Summer then arrives at her Mom’s office to say that after the fiasco with Billy she realizes that Kyle’s the man for her. Unfortunately, by the time she figured that out, he found Lola. Mariah... Read more

Friday, February 1st, 2019

Mia’s surprised to find Rey home – what’s the deal? With a kiss, he’s taking some time off to be with his beautiful wife. Mia plays along – we are newlyweds. Katie? Talk to us. I’m here Mommy. Do you know how to get out? Victor asks as Nikki looks... Read more

Thursday, January 31st, 2019

Picking up her broken saucer, Nikki calls out for Katie then tells Victor that someone has been sneaking around the ranch. He calls security – someone has broken in; my granddaughter is missing. Find her and bring me whoever’s responsible NOW. At CL’s, Mia chides Arturo for not saying hello.... Read more

Wednesday, January 30th

At Jabot, Lauren scolds Kyle for making a personal call on company time. It was work related, a smooth Kyle’s then told to focus on today’s photo shoot. He’s got this very important project under control. Told that hot models have been booked, Lauren expects Kyle to come through on... Read more

Tuesday, January 29th, 2019

At CL’s, Kyle cracks jokes until he finally manages to get Lola’s attention. She’s been so busy prepping her menu etc. that she couldn’t even attend her brother’s engagement party. The restaurant is set to open in three weeks. Kyle tries to convince Lola to delegate and go out for... Read more

Monday, January 28th, 2019

Victor’s pleased that Katie’s back to visit (with her Mom) and after she ‘runs along’, Victor tells Vikki that she had an imaginary friend too as a child – it’s a sign of intelligence. Now, before they talk business, Victor has something to ask Vikki. In Phyllis’ office, Kyle’s on... Read more