Sally fluffs pillows at Billy’s place. She wants everything to be perfect tonight. Ding-dong. Jack and Diane arrives.
Lily, Devon and Nate celebrate Winters signing a big deal – thanks to their ‘closer’, Lily. Amy and Damian are having dinner. There’s some things about him you need to know, Lily claims.
At the club, Damian hardly knows where to begin. Amy’s ready to give him any answers her son needs.
The place looks amazing – like home, Jack and Diane are suitably impressed – which leads to banter about them staying at the club while the house is being redecorated. (complete with construction crews being parked outside)
Nate seems annoyed to hear that Lily had his brother investigated. There’s a lot more to his story, she informs.
Damian makes it clear that he and his Mother are a long way from fixing things – but he is sorry for not taking what she was going through into account. Damian’s sorry for not taking what she was going through into account.
Diane calms Jack down – the remodel’s coming along nicely. Sally tries to help but only makes things worse. We can change it back to the dated museum if you don’t like it, Diane assures. Billy leads the toast – thanking his brother for supporting him and for funding Abbott Communications.
Amy and Damian reminisce about the stray cat, Jackson and the day he (Damian) was born. No, he never knew he wasn’t your biological father.
Lily tells Nate and Devon that the reclusive Aristotle Dumas actually owns the companies that Damian runs. If he lied about that what else is he hiding? She sees it as a big, red flag.
All choked up, Jack makes a toast to the brother he’s so proud of. Diane has to ask – is it a good idea for Phyllis to be part of Abbott Communications?
Amy lived with her secret; hoping the shame would one day go away. When Nathan died, it was like a burden was lifted. When she got diagnosed with terminal cancer, she the need to tell Damian the truth.