Monday, October 21st, 2024

Claire arrives at the Abbott mansion to hear that Kyle’s working from home. Harrison’s got the day off school so they’re going to go see some farm animals. With a sigh, Kyle confides what’s troubling him – his parents imploding – very publicly.

Nate thanks Devon for meeting him in the park – this isn’t about Amy Lewis, it’s Winters business – keep an open mind. I think we should hire Audra.

Audra joins Lily at Society’s bar – we should talk (since we both got screwed over by Victor)

In the club’s dining room, Adam assures his Dad that he has no problem taking down Billy. When Chelsea appears with Connor’s shin guards, Victor’s pleased to see them co-parenting.

On the patio, Phyllis implores Billy to fake-fire her – she’ll work in stealth mode. Billy needs some space. Phyllis huffs and puffs as she stomps inside – ‘whatever’. She’s NOT happy to see that Billy has time to talk to Sally.

Kyle wants to forget his Dad’s ‘verbal attack’ of his Mom in public. In his cowboy attire, Harrison comes down to hug Claire. He’s very excited about the farm – but first, a lively game of tag.

Billy apologises for kissing Sally last night. We kissed each other, she doesn’t need an apology. It was the whisky and residual anger. It could have been worse – I could have fallen into bed with you.

Audra would be an asset to any company, Nate reminds that she was smart enough to wrest control of Glacade from Tucker. And she lost it to Kyle – there’s no way in hell will Devon will hire Audra.

Lily was hoping to enjoy her lunch in peace. Audra orders a martini. We’re both out on our asses because of Victor – we have a lot to discuss, she then violates her NDA again – Victor is Glacade’s mystery investor. Getting Lily to confirm that she got nothing in writing, Audra concludes – even knowing what Victor’s capable of, we still got played.

Pump the brakes Pops – we’re exchanging shin guards not wedding rings, Adam leaves Victor to tell Chelsea that Sally wasn’t right for Adam – you’re right for him. Have a nice day.

Devon doesn’t trust Audra. If he’s being completely honest, he thinks Nate’s setting himself up for trouble. He doesn’t want to see his cousin get hurt. Both are grateful to be working together – Devon hasn’t given up on Lily making the right decision.

Lily won’t stop until she’s back on top at Chancellor. Your Daddy paved your way – how hard can it be? Audra wonders – do you know what it’s like to claw your way into a job? Reminding Audra that she stole Glacade, Lily thinks she should trust her gut instead of cheating. Stop talking and take what’s yours. Lily’s talking to herself as much as Audra. Question is, are we gonna listen?

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