Thursday, October 17th, 2024

**Today’s show did nothing to move the story forward. My recap could just as easily have been one sentence; ‘Phyllis stands strong with her family and vows to prove Daniel’s innocence’. This episode is all about Phyllis, is a condensed/sanitised version – but it does include some fun flashbacks.

Summer joins her family in the park to say that Chance’s advice is for Daniel to get a lawyer. You know what I’m capable of, she goes full mama-bear. I’m not giving up and neither should you.

Phyllis vows to find out who’s doing this to Daniel and why. Lucy worries – are they gonna arrest him? Who would want to hurt Heather? Daniel wonders. Phyllis flashes back to Sharon shouting at Heather – my patience has just about run out!

This is someone diabolical and clever enough to break into the apartment to plant evidence, Phyllis lays out her theory that it’s Sharon. Daniel suspects his Mom just wants to blame her enemy. Nope – Phyllis is the only one who knows what Sharon’s capable of. Flashback to the epic chocolate fountain fight – then Sharon pushing her down stairs (that lead to Phyllis’ coma) Phyllis knows it’s easy to think she’s overreacting given the things she’s done. What things? Lucy asks. Phyllis will tell her all about her grandmother – I have a few stories to tell you.

Phyllis entertains her family with the octopus-in-paul-chris-honeymoon-bed story – her many disguises. Her relationship with Danny (from stalker to wife)

Near tears, Phyllis talks about Cricket telling Danny that Daniel wasn’t his biological child – I lost custody to him. Flashback to her pleading with Danny to have contact with her son. Then we found each other. Flashback to Phyllis meeting her teenage son in the club. OMG you’re my … I’m your mother. Phyllis has changed and grown – because of her kids.

Flashback to Phyllis seducing Jack. Him proposing – declaring his undying love. Enjoying being part of a family for once – the Abbott family. Jack wanted a child – she couldn’t conceive. Then Diane came along – with Kyle. Phyllis mourned the loss of her baby with Jack.

Flashback to Phyllis and Nick steaming up the screen. That was after Cassie died. Funny how so much of our lives can be traced back to that night, Daniel opines.

Summer realises she may have not been born if her Dad wasn’t grieving over Cassie. It’s so complicated. Phyllis didn’t know whether Jack or Nick was Summer’s father. Flashback to her confiding in her best friend – Mike exclaims – we’ll all raise our kids together – it’ll be a freak show but we’re doing it. Dad didn’t go back to Sharon – he stayed with you, Summer chimes in. What happened next? Lucy’s enthralled.

It was a dark stormy night – the worse ice storm GC ever had. Off to meet her at the hospital, Nick came across Daniel – his car had slid off the road and into a ditch. Meanwhile, Phyllis is stuck in an elevator with Jack. Yes – he delivered baby Summer. Sharon switched the paternity tests to make him the father, not Nick. What does Lucy think of her granny now? You’re awesome – you’d do anything for your kids. Lucy chirps – like my Mom. Rallying her family for a group hug, Phyllis vows to prove Daniel’s innocence. We, as a family, will get through this together.

Next Week: What happened? Traci asks Diane. Jack asked me to move out … We’ve got something, the two cops are searching the floor around the liquor cabinet. Chance gets off the couch to see….What exactly is this evidence the police have against you? Danny asks on facetime. Let’s just say it’s solid enough that I’m expecting a knock on the door at any moment, Daniel replies.

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