Tuesday, October 15th, 2024

Audra’s on the phone trying to arrange a get-together with someone who works at Glacade. She’s disappointed to hear that Kyle’s giving out raises and promotions. Before she can invite the person for drinks, she’s hung up on. When Jack arrives at the club, Audra accosts him – claiming to have valuable information.

Adam gives his Dad a glowing report on Newman Media’s numbers. That’s not why Victor summoned him to the office. He has an assignment that only Adam can be trusted to do.

Billy’s sorry that Phyllis heard his Mom badmouthing her. But, when Phyllis declares them ‘partners’, she’s set straight – you work for me. Hearing more about Billy’s conversation with Jill, Phyllis is alarmed – OMG – am I fired!!??

Finding the bloody towel in the cabinet, Chance asks Daniel if he knows anything about it. A lab test will determine whose blood it is.

Chance bags the bloody towel then asks Daniel for the password to Heather’s phone (also found) Uh oh – it’s been changed.

Victor heaps praise on Adam then explains that his assignment is to use Newman Media to create buzz about Billy firing Lily – and letting Chance go. We need to move before Billy tanks Chancellor, Victor instructs Adam not to go after Lily or Chance. Adam’s happy to go after Billy – he’s fair game now (that he’s not with Chelsea)

Billy has no choice but to fire Phyllis (who does NOT take it well) He knows Jill will take over and kick him out if he doesn’t do what she says.

Billy reiterates that he MUST fire Phyllis. He won’t rehire Lily – that door is closed. Phyllis sees a third door – you get to keep everything.

Make it look like Billy’s out of control, Victor orders. Piece of cake, Adam assures. Victor has another task for Adam – use Newman Media to smooth over Audra’s departure from Glacade.

Having convinced Jack to sit down, Audra has no animosity towards him or Diane (it was Tucker who wanted Jabot) When Jack eludes to trouble with Diane, Audra’s aware – she saw their squabble at Society. But when she starts to badmouth Kyle, Jack wants to know exactly what Audra’s after.

After requesting a password reset, Daniel wonders why he never heard the phone ring when he was calling and texting it non-stop. Chance suggests it hasn’t been here the whole time. ‘I’m in’, he announces (using the new password Daniel set up)

Victor’s not worried about Audra – spin it as a parting of the ways. Kyle’s now in charge of Glacade; he’s coming into his own, Victor thinks he just needed the right mentor. Are you suggesting his father isn’t? Adam’s unimpressed.

Audra tells Jack that Kyle manipulated a situation to get her fired. She knows that Jack runs his company with honesty and integrity; your son’s sorely lacking in both. I’m not the bad influence, she then drops what she thinks is a bomb – Victor’s the silent investor; he’s been pulling Kyle’s strings all along.

Chance comes across a Thanksgiving recipe on Heather’s phone but no outgoing calls since she disappeared. The texts with Daniel are there. Hold on – he comes across an unsent text to Paul. What does it say??? Daniel pleads.

Billy doesn’t want to hear what’s behind door number three. Phyllis pitches her idea anyway – fire me in public and I’ll work secretly – for free! When she pleads for a job for Daniel, Billy thinks it best she doesn’t work here – focus on your son, and yourself.

Adam can see that his Dad’s fighting a war on two fronts – firing Audra has to do with Kyle – which has to do with sticking it to Jack. Adam was clear that he wouldn’t go after Jack or his family. If Glacade puts Jabot out of business so be it Victor shrugs. You know my conditions, Adam snaps. And you know mine, Victor snaps back. Running into Mike at the elevator, Adam demands specific details of his Dad’s plan,

Back at the club, Audra can see that Jack already suspected that Victor was Glacade’s mystery investor. She touts herself as useful in other ways. She knows everything about Glacade and wants it back – you want your son back. Maybe we can make a deal.

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