Friday, September 27th, 2024

Phyllis sashays into Abbott Chancellor with a large, fake plant. She’s in a great mood because of her kids and maybe the celebratory drinks. Things are looking up for all three of us, she tells Billy.

Coming home from the movies babbling away, Daniel and Lucy finally notice that Heather isn’t there.

Nick interrupts Sharon flashing back to mopping up Heather’s blood and tossing her body into the river. He and Mariah want to help Sharon in any way they can. Sharon apologises for shouting at Mariah and reports feeling better than she has in a long time. Where did you go? What did you do? they’re curious. Sharon knows she owes them an explanation.

The waterworks dialed up to 10, Sharon knows they deserve the truth.

Sharon lied to them because she felt pressured and overwhelmed – she did what she had to do. I’m so sorry, she cries. It felt like I was doing the right thing – that’s why I confessed. Confessed to who? To
what? Nick asks.

Sharon confessed to Cassie – things she did when she wasn’t feeling herself. Her guilt and grief caused her to make dark choices. For the first time in a long time Sharon feels steady. She knows what she has to do; work with her doctor to take her life back.

Chance is a great guy – a good cop – that doesn’t translate to the corporate world, Phyllis points out. Billy agrees to think about rehiring Daniel. Phyllis won’t mention it again – she’ll let it slide for now.

Huh – this is weird. Heather should be back from her job interview. Lucy bets she’s out buying bananas. There’s only one way to find out, Daniel concludes.

No more apologies – Nick just wants Sharon to get better. Is that your phone? Mariah asks. No, it’s Heather’s – Sharon looks terrified. Daniel’s calling.

Sharon lies convincingly – That beeping is a reminder for Sharon to take her meds. No, she doesn’t need water.

Leaving Heather a message, Daniel and Lucy bet she’s going to come home any minute with good news that she got the job.

Phyllis is happy that her kids are happy and in love (she again mentions hiring Daniel) She suggests Billy consider Vikki’s offer to buy Chancellor. It’s not about the money – this is about my Mother’s legacy – yes, and maybe proving all my haters wrong – Abbott Chancellor is NOT for sale, Billy’s unwavering.

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