Thursday, September 26th, 2024

How am I going to get out of this? At Cassie’s grave, a weepy Sharon needs her ‘guiding light’ to help her understand why she did what she did.

** Note – today’s show is light on moving the storyline forward, heavy on flashbacks and emotion. If you’re not interested, skip to the last paragraph.

Please don’t hate me. I’ve made mistakes but nothing like this. Have I always been like this? Hurting people? Sharon flashes back to shouting at her Mother. Fine – Doris tells Sharon what happened the night she got into the accident that put her in a wheelchair (driving in the rain to find her) You think it’s my fault? Sharon now believes she’s always been plagued by guilt.

There have been good things in my life – you (Cassie) Other things Sharon wouldn’t change – meeting your Dad. Flashback to when Nick and Sharon were dating; him proposing.

Sharon and Mrs Abbott (Nikki) butting heads. Sharon refusing to cry, be intimidated or yell. Years later, more of the same – you don’t think I’m good enough to be with your sons or part of your family! she shouted – then dumping a pitcher of milk over Nikki’s head on the patio. Now you can go back to hating me – happy now?!

Have I always created conflict? Is that who I am? Is that why I ended up here? Sharon asks.

Another flashback to Nick and Sharon as youngsters. I love and need you. It was hard after Cassie died – you shut down. Sharon was living with a different person. Nick had turned to Phyllis. He wishes they could go back in time ~kiss~ Sharon continues to talk to Cassie at her grave.

Flashback to a banged up Nick asking what happened to Sharon and Frank’s baby. She gave it up for adoption. You let me believe you were a virgin – you told me our first time would be so special, Nick feels like a fool. Frank was older – I believed he loved me, Sharon’s so sorry.

I was so scared Nick would run – but he stayed by my side, Sharon talks to the headstone. Getting you back was a dream come true. Nick was worried about becoming your father. Flashback to his decision to adopt Cassie. Cassie’s delight at being their little girl forever ~hug~.

Finally, I had everything I ever wanted. It didn’t last, Sharon weeps.

Sharon didn’t bring fresh flowers but she brought something better, the photo of their perfect little family. Flashback to Nick giving Cassie a present. She unwraps it – a necklace with the initials CN – Cassie Newman. It’s the most wonderful present she ever got (besides coming to live with them) hug. Sharon cries – we didn’t know how lucky we were – until that night.