Wednesday, September 19th, 2024

Adam and Chelsea are at Society discussing Connor’s wish (that they be a couple again) when Billy arrives with Phyllis. Awkward.

In her Dad’s office, Vikki again pushes her idea to buy Billy out. Not gonna happen, Victor won’t budge and Nikki agrees with him. Nick arrives – no, everything is NOT alright.

What!? You’re in Madison?! Why!? Sharon haltingly asks Mariah to hang on. How are you gonna get yourself out of this? Cameron scolds her.

Good to see you two, Phyllis asks how Connor’s doing. Better, thanks for asking. Uh, he’s in a hurry, she follows Billy to the bar to say ‘please tell me Chelsea didn’t dump you for Adam’.

Nick relays Sharon lashing out at Daniel and Lucy; it’s not an isolated incident. Faith’s accident triggered memories of Cassie. Nick came to his family for advice, not to be judged.

Sharon claims that she was just taking a sip of water. She can’t let Mariah into her suite – she felt dizzy so went out for some air. The CEO cancelled the meeting. You came all the way to Madison for nothing, Mariah’s not convinced. Looks like we both did – see you at home, Sharon hangs up.

Adam grumbles about Billy making them feel guilty. Chelsea understands why – I cheated on him twice; both times with you. At the bar, Billy repeatedly tells Phyllis that he doesn’t want to talk about it. She needs to know and talking might help. You don’t look ‘fine’.

Nikki and Vikki don’t have any issues with Sharon – how can we help? Nick’s at the point where he’s considering bypassing Sharon and going to her doctor.

Answer the phone! Cameron barks. Sharon obeys – she didn’t mean to hang up on Mariah. I’ll see you at home, later, she repeats – twice. Mariah persists – I’d really like to see you face to face. Stop it! Sharon goes on the offence – she’s fed up – do you all think I’m that far gone!?

Phyllis is sorry to hear that Chelsea slept with Adam in Baltimore. Was it just once? Hearing that Billy blames Adam, she wonders if he can forgive Chelsea.

Chelsea wonders what Billy and Phyllis are even doing together. Adam doesn’t know or care – those two are meant for each other. Oops – sorry, he does give Billy credit for taking the blame for the break up (even though Connor didn’t believe it – he senses something between us)

Vikki and her Dad bicker about whether Sharon’s doctor will talk to Nick. This isn’t helping – he only plans to talk to the doctor, not ask for info. When Victor thinks Faith should move in with Nick for a while, he rejects the idea immediately. Vikki and Nikki agree that Nick should go to Sharon’s doctor.

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