Monday, September 16th, 2024

At Society, Abby and Devon are having fun looking at colours for their wedding – until Phyllis arrives to take note of the champagne. Are you celebrating because Billy’s not all up in your face anymore?

At the club for dinner, Connor’s surprised that his Dad knows about his Mom and Billy’s break-up but also surprised that he doesn’t know why.

Billy’s hard at work when Chelsea drops by his office. What are you doing here? he’s blunt.

Sharon’s at CL’s – Ester’s going to watch/keep her there, Nick updates Mariah and Faith that she doesn’t seem like herself. He’ll go pick her up – alone.

On the patio, Daniel doesn’t want to get into another fight with Sharon about his daughter. This is about you and me, she doesn’t want to fight.

Chelsea’s brought homemade oatmeal-raisin cookies. Connor told her that Billy took the blame for their break-up. He thinks the world of that kid (but clearly doesn’t share Chelsea’s hope that they can reconcile)

Relieved to hear that Billy took the blame, Adam agrees that he has to focus on work. Connor’s not mad, he’s frustrated that Billy lied to protect him. Something bad happened – between you and Mom. He doesn’t think it a coincidence that his Dad and Sally also broke up. If it’s not my fault whose is it?

Yes, Winters got Omegasphere in the ‘divorce’ but it’s clear Abby and Devon will NOT hire Phyllis. Oh, she’s not looking for a job – she’s just wondering if they plan to poach Chancellor’s IT staff. ‘Wow’, Abby comments after Phyllis leaves with her take-out.

Sharon knows she’s been acting erratically towards Daniel and his family. No, you’ve been consistently hostile – but Daniel wishes there was something he could do to help. This is something Sharon must handle on her own (good news to Cameron)

Glad to be able to play ‘big sister’, Mariah consoles Faith with supportive words and a reassuring hug.

A relieved Daniel forgives Sharon instantly. He gets it now that he’s a parent and still feels guilty. Damn right you’re guilty, Cameron chimes in – don’t let his pity party stop you from doing what needs to be done. When Daniel confides that Heather wants to leave GC, Sharon gets all weird again – maybe you should do that.

Chelsea misses seeing the love in Billy’s eyes – now, you can’t even look at me. Billy doesn’t want her to see him like this – broken. He accepts her apology and wishes he could forgive her – maybe if Adam wasn’t involved…. Is this a bad time? Phyllis arrives to ask.