Monday, September 9th, 2024

At CL’s, Sharon delegates some accounts to Mariah. Uh, what was I going to get? she immediately forgets. The files, a worried Mariah reminds.

On the patio, with Lucy, Daniel peeks inside – the coast is clear (he doesn’t see Sharon) Going to fetch his phone from the car, Daniel sends Lucy inside to grab a table – where she immediately runs into Sharon.

Chelsea and Connor are having breakfast at Society after his therapy session. The perceptive lad wastes no time asking if things are OK with Billy.

After a business associate leaves, Nick asks Adam if he’s OK. Adam’s defensive Nick can tell when something’s bothering his brother. Both turn when Sally appears. Adam chases her to the revolving door – we need to talk. Phyllis joins Nick to ask what’s going on over there?

‘Excuse me, please’, Sharon’s words are polite but hostile. Lucy pleads to speak to Faith just one more time. Daniel rushes over to apologise – we were just leaving.

Sally has a busy day – and talking won’t change anything. Adam won’t take no for an answer. Can we go somewhere? I won’t keep you long?

Watching Sally and Adam from across the dining room, Phyllis manages to segue to Nick’s love of saving women – what’s so alluring about that?

You make Faith very uncomfortable – this desperate need to be her friend is suffocating, Sharon thinks Lucy’s parents should help her accept that. Lucy won’t believe it. You’re trying to stop us from being friends! Why would Sharon do that? Daniel looks like he’d rather be anywhere else when Lucy replies – because of Cassie.

Sally already regrets coming to the park. Adam isn’t in love with Chelsea – he ‘has love for her’ as the Mother of his son. We’re not over – our love won’t just go away. Neither will your love for Chelsea, Sally’s had enough – I deserve better.

Chelsea claims that she and Billy are just taking a little space. Connor wants to know what happened.

This isn’t about Cassie, it’s about Faith, Sharon’s harshness makes Daniel intercede – you don’t have to talk to her that way. And she doesn’t have to throw the worst day of my life in my face because she’s not getting her own way!!!!! After Lucy runs out, Daniel gets that Sharon’s upset – but Lucy’s still a kid. What just happened? Nick asks as Sharon bursts into tears.