Monday, July 15th, 2024

In Adam’s apartment, Chelsea and Adam end a videocall with Connor’s doctor. With things going well on that front, the problem now is what happened between them in Baltimore.

At Society, Vikki updates Nick that Claire worked her magic on Katie. Unsure whether Adam’s agreed to run Newman Media, the siblings grumble about Dad causing chaos to prove he’s in charge. Brace yourself, Vikki warns – it’s about to happen again.

Seated at the club, Audra proudly shows off the front page article on her tablet; ‘Glacade – a company to watch’. You’re definitely worth watching, Nate quips. Last night was incredible, they agree. As long as Nate knows the ground rules, Audra sees no reason it can’t happen again. Victor arrives to scowl at the pair.

When Kyle comes downstairs, Jack’s pretty quiet as Mother and son bicker. Glacade’s off to a good start – Kyle couldn’t be more excited. Excited to get back at us? Diane’s frustrated – why run a second-rate business just to hurt your father and me?

Victor interrupts Nate and Audra’s breakfast to congratulate her on taking Tucker’s company from him – good job. Glacade will soon blow Jabot out of the water – and take down Jack Abbott. After Victor moseys off, Nate asks what that was about.

Adam basically sums it up as ‘what happened in Baltimore stays in Baltimore’. Easier said than done for Chelsea – guilt almost made her confess to Sally. We have to focus on Connor – and Adam’s dilemma – Victor wants him to run Newman Media – to go after someone he cares about.

Kyle scoffs at the idea that he’s petty enough to choose a new career path just to punish his parents. And Glacade won’t be second-rate for long. After some more airing of grievances, Diane reiterates that Kyle’s valuable to the family and the company. Ready to go to work, Jack wishes his son nothing but success. I love you, Diane hopes this is everything her son’s looking for. Kyle’s cockiness evaporates as soon as his parents exit.

Nate’s puzzled by the vibe Victor gave off. You did try to have him committed – and you betrayed Devon, Audra tries to throw him off the scent. Nate speculates – Victor would love to see Jack crushed by the competition. He’s the secret investor, he suspects.

Back at Society, Vikki and Nick continue to discuss their Mom’s desire to return to work. Dad will grind her down; he’ll grind us all down. Nick’s persuaded her to focus on her charity work. Both wonder what Dad’s end game is.

Adam’s not at liberty to name his Dad’s target (who he wants to protect) His working relationship with Nick is solid but that could change. He’ll have autonomy at Newman Media. You can’t be OK with Victor attacking a friend, can you? Chelsea asks.

At the office, Diane makes it clear that she didn’t like the way Jack handled things with Kyle – you practically gave him your blessing. She can’t pretend to support him. Jack doesn’t like it either but we have to back off – completely.