Monday, June 17th, 2024

Nikki drops by the tackhouse to ask Vikki how her date went. But what’s really on her mind? Your father, of course.

Adam’s summoned to the ranch but can’t stay long – he and Chelsea are going to visit Connor. Victor wants an answer on whether Adam will take over at Newman Media.

In Ashley’s apartment, Jack finds Traci in tears, processing everything that’s happened. Alan’s mourning the loss of his brother. Jack hugs her – it’s OK.

Get out of here – Tucker doesn’t want to take his last breath looking at Audra. As the doctor tends to Tucker, the assistant also orders her to leave.

Spewing a few more choice words, Audra slams out. Miraculously cured, Tucker hopes off the bed and shoves money at the doctor, then the doctor out the door. Tucker then asks his assistant to find dirt on Glacade’s board members – and find Jack.

Traci continues to worry about Ashley. Jack understands but is sure she’ll get well. Neither know what childhood trauma their sister experienced – how did we miss it??

At the chessboard, Adam wants to know who the enemy is. He’d ordinarily be all in but must be there for Connor and Chelsea. His answer for Victor is ‘no’.

The assistant returns to inform Tucker that Jack’s in Paris. No dirt on the board members yet. Tucker heads out in a hurry.

Jack wonders if Ashley found out that Brent was her biological father, not John. He and Traci brainstorm their sisters’ psyche. Hopefully, she’s healed for good.

In her suite, Audra received texts from anxious Glacade board members. Victor also wonders whether it’s been done.

Nikki grumbles about Victor pressuring Adam to replace her. The only way to stop it is if Vikki steps in.

Tucker visits Traci for an update. She knows he cares about Ashley. We were wrong to blame you – Traci apologizes – you’re proven yourself – but it’s time to let her go.