Monday, February 19th, 2024

At Society, Sally tries to guess what surprise Adam has in store for her. Good things come to those who wait, he won’t budge.

Seth holding his coffee cup with a shaky hand leads Nikki to believe he’s maintaining a constant buzz’.

Running into Audra in the club’s dining room, Nate asks how she feels about Tucker – do you love or hate him? He’ll be down soon – care to join me for a cocktail? she invites.

Upstairs, Tucker asks Ashley what she wants. She now believes him – you were right, I was wrong.

Tucker’s suspicious of Ashley’s cool demeanor and change of heart. What the hell’s going on with you?

Nate has a hard time believing that Audra’s happy with Tucker. Underneath all the scheming and ambition lies a woman who wants what we all want – to be loved. Tucker’s a user – he’ll let you down. Audra’s eyes are wide open – she and Tucker are in love. It’ll end badly, Nate warns. No – things are different this time, she’s sure.

Over drinks, Adam regrets telling Sally that he has news – his plan hit a speed bump.

Nikki can’t be Seth’s support system but doesn’t blame him for her drinking. When he mentions a friend who wants to get sober too, Nikki asks who it is.

She’s just someone from meetings, Seth tells Nikki that he has to honour her wishes to remain anonymous.

Sally’s considering going to Chancellor Winters for funding. Don’t, Adam’s again being questioned when Victor appears in urgent needs of contracts – then marches over to the bar for a double tequila.

Nate wonders what Tucker offered Audra – are you that easily bought? I’m this close to slapping you, she hisses.

There was no broken glass or thrown chair, Ashley admits. Tucker thinks she’s forcing her words – there’s just one hitch.