Monday, June 19th, 2023

Faith asleep upstairs, Sharon hopes she can get the sewer smell off her. Go to Memorial and check on Sally, she insists – there’s plenty of security here. Cameron’s gone – Faith and I are fine.

How could you do this? Sally wants an explanation from Adam. He had to make the decision, there was no time – it was too soon for the baby. I chose you. How could I not?

Why? Sally cries – she was my everything. I couldn’t lose you, Adam says. I’m not yours to lose, Sally weeps. Adam thought he was making the right choice. You destroyed her life and mine. You let her die. You’re the reason she’s dead, she lashes out at Adam.

You should have saved her! Adam couldn’t let Sally go. You should have let me go with her, Sally just wants her baby. Don’t do this to yourself, Adam implores. It was done to me, by you. You told me everything would be OK. You could have died, Adam repeats. Yes, he loved the baby. He would have spoiled her rotten. But you had to live. I don’t want you – I want my baby, Sally wails. Elena comes in to calm Sally down and send Adam out.

Faith comes down to startle Sharon. She was freaked out being alone upstairs – nothing will be normal again. What’s that? She asks her Mom to put Cameron’s bag outside (which Sharon does immediately)

When Nick finally arrives at the hospital, Adam tells him that Sally was worried about him and frustrated. I took her out to eat, then here to check on her headache. We called you a hundred times. It was life or death. It was life or death for us too, Nick says. You don’t have a damn clue what we went through, Adam finally tells Nick that the baby didn’t make it. Our little girl’s gone.

Faith and Sharon cuddle on the couch. Cameron is very dead, Sharon reassures. Thanks to you, Faith adds.

Elena states that Sally’s been through a lot tonight. Looks like you have too, she allows Nick a quick visit. I’m so sorry, he hugs Sally – I should have been here. It should have been me, Sally cries – Adam had a choice – he chose me. Nick thinks it was the right choice. Yes,of course he would have loved the baby. Nick hates this – but you have a lot of people who love you – you’ll get through this. As she weeps in Nick’s arms, Adam looks hurt as he watches from the hallway.

Elena tells Adam to be kind to himself – she gives him a bag – a memento. You and Nick should go home – you’ve all been through a lot. You look like hell, Adam tells Nick. You should see the other guy, Nick invites him to get a drink. Adam has something to do first – meet you at Society. Now alone, he looks inside the white bag Elena handed him.

In Sally’s room, Elena wishes things had turned out differently – she’s so sorry. Maybe you want to talk about it. Or I can sit here and not talk. Sally would like to sleep. If you want to see her – press the button beside the bed. Elena gives Sally the same white bag – a gift from the nurses. Good night.