Friday, April 14th, 2023

On the freak-out scale, Jack’s at an 8, Kyle’s an 11. He needs to clear his Mother’s name. Otherwise, his marriage is at risk.

Still at the jazz lounge, something feels ‘off’ to both Summer and Chance. He thinks this isn’t the best place for her to be. She disagrees.

Holding Phyllis’ clenched fists, Jeremy snarls that if he has to choose between killing her or going back to prison, it’s not really a choice at all.

At CL’s, Adam and Sally are discussing knowing the baby’s sex after tomorrow’s appointment. They’re chuckling as Victor enters the front door, Nick through the patio. They look at the happy parents-to-be, then frown at one another.

A Newman family reunion, Adam quips – then grumbles about his Dad yanking McCall away from him. Victor mumbles his displeasure of seeing his son with ‘this lady’, Adam takes the high road – he imposed upon Sally and she was too nice to object. She’s all yours. No one seems fooled.

Jack and Kyle agree that the truth will come out. What evidence could they have? Stark planted something to frame Diane. Jack takes the blame – this is retaliation for him and Diane framing him for stealing Nikki’s necklace.

Summer tells Chance that she’s sorry for how she treated her Mom and not believing her. Being in the jazz lounge brings her some comfort.

Phyllis will keep Jeremy’s name out of it. No, there’s too many elements that went into our plan. Phyllis isn’t scared – her strength, as a mother, is fiercer than anything he’s got.

Jack blames himself for Diane being behind bars and Phyllis’ death. He’s handled everything so badly. There’s nothing stopping Stark from killing again, he warns Kyle.

Phyllis can’t put her kids through this – they regret how they treated me. Please, listen – they’re tortured. I’m NOT going away! This is what you signed up for, Jeremy shouts – Diane’s behind bars. Your kids won’t forgive you and YOU’LL be the one behind bars – Diane will win.

After Nick and Sally go to the patio, Victor grouses about Adam fawning over Sally. Don’t walk away from your Father, he orders.

Jack and Kyle agree to beef up security and find a way to bring Stark down. Kyle will go check on his Mom – Jack will continue to search for the ‘right’ lawyer.

Chance hasn’t come up with anything. Summer can reenact everything that happened – from insulting her Mom to her collapsing right here. No, there isn’t anyone Chance can call – only one thing will make her feel better – punishing her Mom’s killer.

Phyllis finally agrees that she has to stick with the plan and start a new life. Glad that he doesn’t have to kill her, Jeremy says they’ll soon be sipping tropical drinks on the beach. That’s right – change of plans – he’s coming with her!

Why would you change your plans when you’re free to do whatever you want? Jeremy wants to be with Phyllis – to convince her there’s no turning back. He’s already made arrangements to send half of Phyllis’ money to ‘the island’. She thinks that a bad idea. OK – Jeremy will stay in GC until Diane’s convicted. We make a great team (Phyllis looks repulsed as Jeremy’s Viagra kicks in)