Thursday, February 3rd, 2022

Sharon, Rey, Faith and Moses have decorated CL’s for Mariah and Tessa’s engagement party. Noah OK’s the placement of some of the displays; his album cover and a board with Tessa’s lyrics on a board (all are to add their best wishes for the couple)

Abby and Chance look forward to attending tonight’s party but not looking forward to all the questions they’ll face regarding the custody arrangement with Devon. Thinking Dom doesn’t look well Abby calls Chance over to fuss over him.

At the penthouse, Amanda can feel that Devon’s shoulders are tense – second thoughts about going to the engagement party. He doesn’t want anything to distract from Mariah and Tessa.

On vinyl, the way God intended it, Nick praises Noah for the album design.

Arriving at CL’s beautifully dressed, Tessa and Mariah are blown away – it’s almost a beautiful as you are, Mariah gives Tessa a kiss. Noah squirms.

Amanda’s doing a good job as a lawyer and girlfriend. He’s seen the way she’s looked at Dom. Having never been around babies, she now seems enamored; he look at you like you’re this amazing thing. She’s loving it (which pleases Devon immensely)

Moses and Faith have set up a photo booth on the patio. When Noah declines taking photos, Nick offers. All are relieved when Faith takes over. Tessa and Maria giggle and pose with props. Hmm – there’s a large gift here (there’s supposed to be no gifts)

Chance is proud of himself for getting Dom to sleep – for the first time. He seems to be fine. Time to go to the party.

All wonder who sent the large gift. Rey suggests they open the card – it’s from Kevin and Chloe (who can’t make it) They lift the lid off the box. All are puzzled by the shield from Mariah and Kevin’s favorite book series. She loves Tessa even more when she agrees it can go on their wall. Devon and Amanda arrive. Are Abby and Chance no shows? No, they should be coming. Mariah has to ask – how is the custody thing going? Devon will answer after this commercial break.

Everyone with glasses in hand, Devon updates that things are going well. He and Amanda did a video call and are following the schedule Abby’s set for Dom. Mariah’s thrilled to be invited to visit when he has Dom – and hearing they plan to adopt, Devon and Amanda would love to help if they have any questions. When asking if Abby and Chance are coming, Rey surprises Devon by saying that Chance is coming back to work tomorrow.

Across the room, Faith asks hos it is working for Dad again. Nick comes over to hear that Noah loves it; we’re changing the world. Moses and Faith like the sound of it too. Noah’s impressed to hear that Faith plans to get a business degree – Vikki better watch her back, with a young mogul in the weeds ready to take her throne.