Seriously!? A pissed off (and therefore best Phyllis) accuses Billy of rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic and rolling the dice on a millionaire. She wanted to be part of Abbott Communications, not this Kamikaze mission.
Vikki and Nick join their parents at the ranch. No one knows why Adam’s summoned them all.
So, what do you think? Jack asks. Chance agrees that their story is suspicious and the timing does align with Sharon and Phyllis’ abduction. Neither think Traci should go to Paris – can you get ‘Alan’ to come back here?
With all due respect, you’re looking at this from the wrong perspective – Billy doesn’t want ‘vindication’ against Victor and Jill. This is going to happen (with or without Phyllis) Phyllis was excited about the healthy path they were on. Did Dumar dangle Chancellor in front of you? Are you that easily manipulated by power?
Thanking everyone for coming on short notice, Adam announces that he and Chelsea are back together. Victor’s the happiest to hear it. Vikki and Nick offer sincere congratulations and go to fetch the champagne. (I guess Abby DOES have to move onto the compound if she wants to be included in these feel-good family moments)
Back on the patio, Chance believes the kidnapper is so arrogant they don’t think they’ll get caught and would even welcome being questioned. Billy was sent a photo of Sharon and Phyllis being held in captivity – it linked to the location of the clinic. Them being found was no accident. Jack has a better idea than Traci risking herself.
All stand in a semi-circle as Victor proposes a toast to Adam and Chelsea. Cheers. Adam understates that their romance has had a few bumps moments. Just a few, huh? Nick quips. Their support means the world to Adam (and Chelsea) Victor’s very happy – to your health, he raises a glass. When’s the wedding? he makes everyone laugh.
Jack suggests he ask Alan to come home to marry Traci in the newly remodelled Abbott mansion. After Traci and Chance agree, he pulls out his phone – no time like the present.
Billy assures Phyllis that this is a sound business decision. Being on the brink of death taught her that life is too short to hold grudges. Billy should make nice with Victor like she has with Sharon. Billy admits that power is part of the equation and that taking Chancellor back from Victor would be satisfying – but it’s more than that. Abbott Communications would do better under the Chancellor umbrella. Sorry, but he can’t tell Phyllis what Dumars’ reason is for involving himself.
In the solarium, Chelsea insists there’s no wedding planned. Not yet, the three women laugh (the joke being what Victor wants, Victor gets) Meanwhile, a few feet away, Victor’s tells the boys how happy he is that everyone’s now living on the family compound (except Nick and Abby) Adam believes Nick may soon join them (when he moves in with Sharon)
So, there’s more to the story that you can’t tell me, Phyllis can’t believe Billy’s holding out on her and pulling the rug out from under her – again. She just went through the worst ordeal of her life – now you want me to submit to the follies of some billionaire clown? She was so excited about this new start for her and Daniel. Why do I keep believing and trusting in you? Billy can’t tell her now – he will when the time is right.