Sharon wants to believe that what she and Phyllis went through was cathartic – we came to terms with some of our issues. Phyllis was poisoned – dying before my eyes. I solved the riddle and saved her. The next morning, Phyllis found me barely alive. She gave me CPR and saved my life. The voice said it was a ‘psychological experiment’. Who does something that heinous!? Nick’s furious. It’s sick – insane!
No, no, Alan’s not upset – he’s not sure what these alerts are. He’s been getting them for a few days and thinks his phone’s had been hacked so hasn’t wanted to open it. He apologizes to Traci for being so intense about it.
Massaging Billy’s shoulders, Sally’s impressed by how far he’ll go for his friends. Yes, he promises to let the police take care of it. Not wearing a cape doesn’t make you any less a hero, Sally kisses him.
Phyllis tells her kids that she saved Sharon’s life by giving her CPR. We worked through our anger and have a new appreciation for each other’s strengths. Summer has to ask – is there any chance Ian’s alive? Chance assured her that his body was cremated. This freak has to be found, sooner rather than later.
Whoever this is has experience in psychology, Sharon believes – they knew what game to play to push our buttons. Pitting us against each other, then working together -similar to ‘aversion therapy’ – like a twisted therapeutic intervention. Nick’s just glad they both made it out. We have to find whoever did this so they can’t do it again.
Traci suggests Alan get a new phone. That’s a good idea, he hasn’t even wanted to open his phone since these messages started. He just wants to be careful. But you did open the phone, Traci reminds Alan that he sent her a text when he went to get the ring.
Ah yes, Alan must have been so excited about getting back to his beautiful fiance that he forgot about the risk (of being hacked) This isn’t your fault – you were just trying to help. Traci hopes his data/identity haven’t been stolen. As a therapist, he thinks it would be interesting to have his identity stolen – some criminal using your id – it would be an interesting experiment to be stripped of who you are. It must be devastating, psychologically. You’ve already experienced that – when Martin pretended to be you, Traci reminds.
Phyllis interrupts Billy and Sally getting busy. You look good – better than the last time I saw you, he comments. Amazing what a shower and freedom will do, Phyllis assures that she’s fine. When she asks to speak to Billy, Sally diplomatically needs to go back to the office. As soon as Sally leaves, Phyllis breaks down – I’m not fine. I need my life back – you’re the only one who can help me, she tells Billy.
Chance has an update for Nick and Sharon – they’ve dropped some evidence off at the lab and hope to get some prints. They were able to trace the remote controlled apparatus that triggered the gas leak – it was purchased at a hardware store not far from the clinic.
Phyllis is ready to jump right in at Abbott Communications – we’re gonna have the biggest, baddest launch ever. She’s sorry for messing up the time line. Billy doesn’t care about the business when her well-being is at stake. Take some time – that’s an order. Phyllis chokes up again – what got her through this ordeal is knowing that she was coming back to Abbott Communications – we’re gonna be leaders – building something so great – and with my son at my side. I need this now. I need it NOW – today, not tomorrow. Now, please. I’ll be fine. Billy looks concerned. It’s the only way Phyllis will get past what was taken from her.
At CL’s, Chance tells Sharon that he plans for her and Phyllis to look at security footage from the hardware store to see if they recognize anyone. Sharon can’t think of anyone who hates her as much as Phyllis used to.
While Alan was in the shower, Traci’s went online to look up some wedding ideas. Where should we get married? The house? Or – we could get married in Paris ~kiss~ Alan doesn’t care where they get married. His phone pings some more alerts. ‘Remote device detached. Gas explosion stopped’. What kind of hack could this be? Traci’s baffled.
Why do you keep asking about the phone? Alan’s annoyed – some crazy person hacked me – I can’t control how many messages they send me. He immediately apologizes for snapping – this whole thing is stressing me out. We’re in love – we just got engaged – spending the rest of our lives together is all that matters. The idea of getting married in Paris is growing on him. Let’s hop on a jet and check out some venues.
Billy gets it – you want to feel that you’re on solid ground and back in control. That said, he doesn’t want Phyllis to take on more than she can handle right now. Phyllis needs the excitement and energy of launching their company. You sure? You’ve been through a lot, Billy’s wary. Phyllis is positive. Where do you wanna start? The press release? Billy confesses that he thought she went AWOL on him – I was an idiot – the press release went out without your name attached to it. Phyllis understands. Billy should have known Phyllis would never bail on him and the company. She wants an honest answer – do you want me to work with you or is this a mercy thing? No – Billy needs her fire – she’s the only person on the planet he wants to do this with. Will you forgive me? Of course – you saved my life. Of course I forgive you, Phyllis runs into his arms.
Sharon thanks Chance for being so thorough. If anyone can find whoever did this, it’s you. Nick suggests she get out of town for a bit – take Faith to visit Noah in Europe. Sharon agrees on one condition – come with us.