Wednesday March 12th, 2025

Chloe’s realized that it never warns anyone not to get involved with someone. She’ll never be Adam’s biggest fan but he did step up for Connor. You’re stronger together. Chloe will support Chelsea no matter what.

Adam told Chelsea that he wants to be with her. What happens next is her call. Victor expresses his admiration for Chelsea and his support for the three of them.

They’re coming in at night to plant clues – watch us drool in our sleep. Listening to you (Sharon) snore? If we’d woken up when they came in we’d probably be dead. But, that gives us an opportunity. One of us must stay on alert all the time – pretending to be asleep. Phyllis sees another option….

Billy sees something else – a link at the bottom of the picture. A laughing skeleton head – “Who will pay the price to save the life of the mind?” What kind of psychopath are we dealing with? Nick wonders.

Adam apologizes for interrupting – and is surprised when Chloe gives him a civil greeting. She wishes him well. You too, Adam’s left to relay Victor’s regards to Chelsea. She told you to leave, didn’t she?

Who will pay the price to save the life of the mind? Billy and Nick brainstorm its meaning. Since Nick’s driving, Billy calls Chance.

Alan’s phone pings – Door Secure. Breach attempt failed. Traci wonders if he should tend to his phone.

This sicko likes control – they like to watch their experiment in real time. We can’t be obedient. Sharon cautions – be smart. This IS smart, Phyllis knows they have nothing if we’re dead. This is entertainment – how we survive. That’s what all these sick games are about.

Chloe blesses our reunion, Chelsea insists. Is that what this is? Maybe – so don’t blow it. Never, Adam says with a kiss.

At CL’s, Diane and Jack can’t wait for Billy and Ashley to find out that Traci and Alan are engaged.

It’s nothing, Alan assures Traci. That’s a lot of pings – it must be important. Nothing is more important than you my bride, Alan kisses her.

The police are on their way to the clinic, Billy updates. You didn’t tell Chance that we were already on our way there, Nick notes. He’s also not willing to waste more time. If they’re in there, we’re gonna get them out, Billy agrees.

We’re lab rats – they repeatedly put our lives at risk. We have to destroy the world they created for us. We have to find the camera and turn it off – then lure them here. We have to come together. We’ll break this freak down and get out of here, Phyllis vows.

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