Monday, February 24th, 2025

Sharon awakens to an ear-piercing siren over an intercom. Oh no! she panics.

Is anyone there? Sharon asks – then covers her ears when the siren blares again. You’ve got my attention – tell me who you are!

Is someone there!? What happened? My head – did you drug me? Why? Who?What do you want from me?! Sharon finds a door but it’s locked. She pleads, then threatens, then apologizes – then calms herself down and panics again when finding Phyllis (who wakes up to say ‘oh, hell no’)

Phyllis and Sharon hurl accusations at one another, both swearing they aren’t behind this. Then comes the siren again. Confirming that Ian’s dead, Sharon wonders if it’s followers from his cult. Why me!? Let ME go! Keep HER! Phyllis shouts. Maybe whoever locked us up in here together wants to watch us kill each other, she suggests.

Unlike Sharon, Phyllis won’t wait to be rescued. She tries/fails to pick the lock. Sharon opens a book to read ‘Property of Gravenhurst Psychiatric Clinic’. No, she hasn’t been here – but there’s no shame in seeking help. Realizing that their only hope is to figure things out, they whisper – our kids must be looking for us.

Sharon and Phyllis argue some more before finding canned goods and a bottle of water (that may or may not be poisoned). Realizing they must work together, Sharon comments that Ian’s where he belongs – in hell; she feels terrible for the things she did and will never get over it. Good, you shouldn’t, Phyllis replies.

Think whatever you want, Sharon doesn’t care anymore. I was drugged; hallucinating – I went through hell. What Daniel and Lucy went through was hell! Phyllis lists everything Sharon did. You had SO many opportunities to speak out. You earned your tears and regret – choke on it! Sharon thinks they should focus on getting out – I’m an easy target for you. Am I helpless or a super villain – which is it? You faked your own death and put your kids through hell, Sharon fires back. It took poison to bring that out in me – but this is who you are. Any other day, Sharon would tell Phyllis to ‘choke on it’ but today she wants to get out of here.

Once we get out of here we can never speak to each other again, Sharon says. Phyllis would love nothing more than to take Sharon out – but won’t be a victim. I want to get home to see my kids, she tears up. We have to work together. Now in agreement, the siren blares – followed by scratchy music. Hey, you freak – what do you want?! Phyllis shouts.

We haven’t put on enough of a show for you? Where do you get off kidnapping two BEAUTIFUL women!? Phyllis shouts. You perv! Does this music sound familiar to you? Sharon thinks it could be a message. They picked it on purpose – it’s part of the game.

When Phyllis bangs on the door and shouts the music stops. That was a mistake, Sharon frets. They decide to show them what they’re capable of. Do you want to play? What are the rules? Now we’re getting somewhere, a male voice over the intercom tells them that his name isn’t important. This is about the two of you, no one else. You have to work as a team in this game. What’s the goal? What’s the prize? they wonder. ‘Staying alive’. The camera pans out to reveal that Sharon and Phyllis are being recorded.