Friday, February 14th, 2025

At home, Jack and Diane debate a Moroccan ‘poof’ she finds ‘warm and inviting’. Floor seating? Here? Jack disapproves. You really don’t like it? Diane’s indignant – are we that far apart on this?

Meeting at the park overlook, Kyle immediately detects that something’s wrong. Claire admits that she’s ‘concerned’.

At Society, Victor asks Lily if she’s happy to be working with her family again? She IS happy to be away from the Newmans’ toxic empire. Nikki arrives to suggest Lily embrace ‘all’s well that ends well’.

On the CL’s patio, Audra tells Holden to enjoy his flight back to LA – the last thing she needs is Nate knowing they have history. On cue, Nate appears to ask what’s going on here.

Diane doesn’t want to argue about ‘inspiration’ photos. This place has a certain charm, Jack’s afraid she’ll paint the place white or avocado-green. Have faith in me, she promises he won’t be disappointed.

Claire and Kyle debate Victor. Kyle doesn’t need his approval. Claire very much does.

Yes, Lily’s happy to be working with her family – where she’s valued and respected. You used and deceived me, After Victor moseys off, Nikki tries to make amends with Lily. We wish you the best and look forward to the day we can put this behind us. OK, maybe there IS something you can do to smooth things over.

Look who I ran into, Audra claims. Holden explains Damien’s point of view. He and Damien are going back to LA tonight – he’s done with his Mother. Amy doesn’t have much time left – Nate wonders what he can do to change Damien’s mind.

Diane’s delighted that Jack’s ready to give ‘this old gal’ some new life. It’s just teaks and finessing, she claims – then alarms Jack by saying ‘it’s time to pack’.

Kyle thinks Claire needs to let go of her hope that Victor will come around. Her grandparents approval means a lot to her. What if Victor never accepts us? She won’t walk away from Kyle. Was Victor even willing to have dinner with me? he asks.

Lily’s looking to get information on someone – no questions asked. Think of it as headhunting for Winters. The name? Damien Kane. Victor agrees to look into it.

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