Thursday, February 6th, 2025

At Society, Chloe would indeed rather be going to Paris with Sally but knows her partner deserves it. Is that look on your face because of work? Or Billy? she has to ask.

When the ‘dream team’ shows up at Billy’s, he has the champagne on ice – are we celebrating? That depends on you, Daniel says.

Who are you?! Amy asks. This is your son, Nate says (for some reason) I’m not confused, Amy’s never seen this man before in her life. Nate stops Hogan before he can escape. Who the hell are you!?

Over drinks, Chloe teases Sally – Billy’s funny and brilliant and slightly broken (she lists all his exes, including herself. This is your first romantic getaway – it’s great. Billy doesn’t have the best track record but he’s entertaining, impulsive and always down for a good time. His work history is even worse than his romantic history. That all said, Sally thinks Billy’s thoughtful and responsible – and he’s about to prove everyone wrong.

Your Mom’s a helluva hype-person, Billy talks about Abbott Communications being a global entity – everyone on the team has to be all in. Mom convinced me to hear you out, Daniel says. Billy believes there’s a perfect spot at Abbott Communication for him, as a problem solver. This is an opportunity for the three of us – a new way forward, Billy thinks Daniel’s heroic and impressive – you deserve an opportunity to turn the page. Daniel appreciates that but isn’t sure he should turn that page with Billy.

What have you done with Damien? Amy worries. Hogan (Holden?) works for him, he’d never do anything to hurt him. Damien doesn’t know Nate from Adam and doesn’t have time for random meetings – and he values his time and privacy. Nate balks at being scammed. Holden points out that he was scammed too. You know where Damien is – take me to my son right now – it’s a matter of life and death, Amy pleads.

Amy needs to see her son before it’s too late. He needs to know that I love him; I need him to forgive me. Nate asks Amy to slow down – don’t push yourself. Fighting her on this is a losing battle. I need to see my son – do the decent thing and help me. It’s not my place, Hogan says. What did you mean by ‘before it’s too late’.

Chloe knows that Billy’s a good guy – back in the day I was pretty obsessed – I get the appeal. After losing Adam she found friendship and chemistry with Billy. He makes me feel desirable. You’re a freakin’ Goddess who should feel that way all the time, Chloe declares. Sally’s just having fun. Billy’s fun, loyal, generous – but he does screw up his life on a regular basis, Chloe says YOU are the catch here – beautiful and brilliant. YOU may be the reason Billy has a shot at redemption.

Billy pitches Abbott Communications; we’ll harness the power of AI but not let machines do the thinking; we’re leaders not followers – we’re not reckless. It’s our brains that keep everything fresh. We lead with research. Whatever you envision we can make happen. Daniel’s impressed and intrigued. Where do you see me fitting into this company that’s not reckless? That’s up to you. What do you really want?

You’re the best, I love you – Chloe says this as someone who can barely tolerate anyone – she considers Billy family – he’d be lucky to have you (Sally)

Billy continues to pitch Abbott Communications. Jack believes in it so enough to fund it. So, are you in? Daniel’s not saying no but needs time to think about it. Phyllis isn’t pleased to hear that Billy’s going to Paris with Sally.

Sending Daniel to start the car, Phyllis scolds Billy for going to Paris. We don’t even know Daniel’s in and you’re not in unless he is – we’ll reconvene when I get back.

Amy tells Nate not to fuss over him. Your mother raised a kind son. Damien wasted time by sending a stranger. He needs to know before it’s too late. Nate doesn’t understand why he’d send a plant. Does Damien have a secret to protect? Has he been taken advantage of? Or did he gain money and power through illegal ways.

Chloe hopes she doesn’t die of jealousy. Sally will bring her back a present. This old married woman has to live vicariously through you. She paints a detailed romantic evening.