Monday, February 3rd, 2025

Amy thanks Nate and Audra for inviting her back. They discus Damien’s reaction – it’ll happen, give it time, Audra’s supportive. That’s one thing Amy doesn’t have – time.

In the park, fake Damien points out that if Amy sees him she’ll obviously know he’s not the real Damien (who seems to have a way to get around that)

Unpacking take-out at Billy’s, Sally’s not sure having Phyllis onboard his new venture is a good idea.

Phyllis is surprised to find Sharon in the coffee shop she owns. Yes, she’s spoken to Daniel – but don’t think these new developments get you off the hook with me.

I wasn’t myself – my meds were laced with PCP, Sharon explains that Cameron ‘kept telling me to kill you’. I had to fight like hell but I refused to let them win – that’s why you (Phyllis) are here right now to hate me as much as ever.

Amy explains Damien’s depression after Jackson died. I can’t lose him again. Audra comforts her new BFF – surely Damien must feel some pull to see you. Nate agrees – it’s too soon.

Tell Nate that if Amy comes around, you’re going back to LA, Damien has faith in his imposter, Hogan. You can probably get him to tell you everything – it has to be about more than reuniting with my Mom. Find out who this Nate guy is, what he wants and how he’s connected to her.

Billy defends Phyllis – she’s business savvy and had my back when no one else did. No one? Sally raises an eyebrow. Biilly means business-wise; he won’t forget how Sally supported him, even when they were just friends. I love having you in my life and my corner. Sally’s easily won over with a kiss.

Phyllis is indignant – I should be grateful you didn’t kill me??? Sharon basically says sorry, not sorry. She hopes Phyllis, Daniel and Lucy will one day forgive her. Phyllis can only speak for herself – never.

Sally has two pieces of advice for Billy – don’t order so much food next time. Also, use moderation when it comes to Phyllis – she’s unpredictable at best, explosive at worst. Billy knows where Phyllis is coming from and what she brings to the table. It’ll work, he’s sure.

Damien tries to figure out what ties his Mom has to GC and this business man, Nate. Hogan has no clue what they have in common. Ping – ping- maybe this text will shed some light on Nate Hastings.