Friday, January 31st, 2025

Seconds after Audra arrives at Nate’s, Damien shows up. Introduced, he didn’t realize there’d be another person sitting in on the interview – will you and I be working closely together?

Daniel’s summoned his Mom and sister to Society to drop the news that Sharon’s been exonnerated. What!? Phyllis is outraged – over my dead body.

When Jack comes home, Kyle shocks him by relaying everything Claire told him. Hearing that Victor took a bullet for Nikki, Jack’s immediate and only concern is – how is she!?

Victor’s brought home by his wife and kids (except Abby, of course). Stop fussing – it’s not the first time I’ve been shot – we really dodged a bullet, he quips. He hopes everything’s been taken care of so that it doesn’t come back and bite them in the ass.

We’re good – it’s handled. Nick and Adam told Chance that Ian confessed to killing Heather. Nikki didn’t hear him confess. That’s because he didn’t – but with him and Jordan both dead, they just need to stick that exonerates Sharon.

Phyllis is already on her way to get justice for Heather when Daniel informs that Sharon didn’t kill her – Ian Ward confessed. Obediently sitting back down, Phyllis hears that Victor was shot after saving the whole family’s lives. Phyllis isn’t buying it – this is a ploy by Mike to get Sharon off.

Audra isn’t part of the Winters team – her and Nate have a personal relationship. Declining the coffee, Damien prefers tea. Having a meeting to get to, Audra leaves the men to talk. Before they get down to business, there’s something Nate needs to tell Damien.

Damien’s not surprised to hear that Nate hasn’t been completely upfront – your Mom, Amy reached out to me. She has something important to tell you.

At CL’s, Amy asks Audra about her family. No, you’re not OK – your secret’s safe with me. Nearing the end of her life, she doesn’t regret things she’s said – but a lot she didn’t. Tearing up, Audra thinks it might help to open up to someone – don’t say I didn’t warn you.

The Newmans are chatting/snacking when Jack shows up. I just heard what happened – thank God you’re OK, he says as soon as Nikki opens the door. What the hell are you doing here? Victor scowls.

At home, Kyle updates his Mom – he admires Claire for how she handled everything. Diane can tell by his face that they’ve become very close.

Oh – so Nick and Mike heard Ian’s confession; two of Sharon’s enablers, Phyllis reminds that she still framed Daniel. He thinks maybe she’s suffered enough. What!? Phyllis is astounded – Heather is DEAD. Yes, Daniel KNOWS Heather’s dead (and that his Mom’s just looking out for him) Summer suggests they stop wasting energy being angry – let’s focus our energy on helping Daniel.

Phyllis will let it go – for Daniel’s sake. She’s looking forward to collaborating on a business with him. All we need is a plan and funding. Good thing I’m here, with both, Billy appears.