Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025

Jordan doesn’t like Claire giving her orders in such harsh tones. It’s not a harsh tone – it’s confidence. We won’t be moving forward if we don’t cover your tracks. Jordan’s not buying it – what did you put in my tea?! Claire’s telling the truth – I want our life back. You gave yourself away – the girl Jordan raised wouldn’t give a damn about some blonde bitch she barely knows. I’m leaving – Who’s going to stop me? You? No – we’re going to stop you, Nikki and Vikki fly down the stairs.

Is he harassing you? If so, I’ll call the cops, Mariah warns. No, he’s not, Tessa assures. Ian’s not giving up – he wants to make things right between them. Mariah calls him pathetic and delusional – there’s no salvation or forgiveness here. I’ll hate you til the day I day! Mariah lists all the people he’s to stay away from. Keel over and die! Is that your final word? Ian looks like he’s about to cry as he leaves. Tessa watches Mariah as she leans on a barstool and exhales.

I can do it if you help me, Sharon extends her hand towards Nick.

Hello Jordan. Hello Nikki – you’re looking sober. Yes, this was the plan – you walked right into it, Claire boasts that this was all her idea. After Vikki defends her daughter from the ‘crazy bitch’, Victor and Nick stroll in.

If he shows up here again call the police, Mariah orders. What if he’s being sincere? Tessa pleads Ian’s case. He’s getting into your head – that’s what he does! Mariah becomes increasingly frustrated – why are you doing this? Ian spoke tenderly of you, Tessa seems alarmed by her wife’s anger. Let it go for your own sake.

Victor knows Jordan has nowhere to go. We’ll see about that – she’s holding Sharon prisoner. Where is she? Nick pounces. Put a leash on your son, Jordan warns Victor that poor little Sharon doesn’t have much time left.

Stand up, Nick continues trying to light a fire under Sharon’s butt. The family’s in danger. You have to get out of here to protect the people you love. That’s it – one step at a time. Sharon makes her way towards the stairs. I can do this, she plods along. I have to get home.

Jordan speaks of her partner becoming unreliable. Ian killed Heather – you must have known we were working together – he wanted a path to Mariah, I wanted one to Claire. Ian drugged Sharon because she started remembering inconvenient truths. I tucked ‘blondie’ away somewhere safe; she doesn’t have much longer. If you want to see her alive again, I suggest you make me an escape offer – one you’ll honour this time (the Newmans look fleetingly curious)

Tessa didn’t mean to upset Mariah. Really? How did you think I’d feel about my wife taking the word of that psychopath over me? I’m FINE – even if I wasn’t Ian’s not the one to fix me! You think he’s changed and had to make this observation tonight? My Mom’s missing, maybe dead and you had to make a case for Ian. I can’t do this right now – I can’t believe you’d do this to me, Mariah huffs out.

As proof, Jordan provides details. Claire thinks she’s telling the truth. Jordan mocks her – mother and daughter have each other’s back – heartwarming. She’s MY daughter, Vikki tells Jordan that there’s no hole deep enough to throw her into. It all ends tonight, Victor snarls. YOU will end tonight.

An exhausted Sharon sits on a bench at the park overlook. Mom! Mom! Mariah races over to hug her.

I’m holding all the cards, Jordan tells ‘handsome’ (Victor) that it’s time to fold. You won’t get away with this nonsense. Victor bellows in her face. What do you want? Money. Oh baby – I have a lot of it, he brags. As Jordan’s negotiating to take a hostage, Mariah calls Nick. As he races out to pick her and Sharon up, Victor’s triumphant – what do you have to bargain with now?

I’ll never let anything happen to you again, Mariah comforts her Mom.

There’s no way out now – it’s over for you. Jordan can help Victor trap Ian. Her offer rejected, she looks pitifully at Claire. No sympathy? I loved you – still do. You don’t know the meaning of that word, Claire’s cold – this is where it needs to end for you. Jordan’s whole chin trembles. Turning her back, she chugs down the tea as the Newmans watch without reacting.