Tuesday, January 21st, 2025

Is Ian the one who helped you get out of prison? Claire asks. We were kindred spirits with a common goal – but he was more interested in meeting up with Mariah than meeting my needs, Jordan complains as she paws at Claire’s shoulder. Do you really want me at the ranch? Yes, it’s the perfect place for what I have planned, Claire assures.

Nick and Chance arrive at the ranch as Victor’s barking into his phone. They have news – Ian has a partner – Jordan. Boy oh boy, Victor sits. Nick and Chance have no clue where Sharon is.

I’m scared – they drugged me, my thoughts are fuzzy – I want to be with you and the kids – but I can’t do it, Sharon bleats up at an imaginary Nick.

Having smuggled Jordan past the guards and into the tackhouse, Claire explains that they’ve been staying at the main house. Make yourself at home – you’re exactly where you need to be – relax. How about a cup of tea?

Nick and Chance believe Jordan’s still in GC – there’s an APB out on the vehicle. It seems the ‘friendly prison chaplain’ came back for Mariah while Jordan came for Claire.

Jordan comments on the framed photo of Claire with her Mother and grandmother. Claire serves tea and continues to play her part – do you want to switch drinks again? Jordan’s about to take a sip when Claire asks if Ian killed Heather Stevens – or were you involved? Jordan begins to wonder if she’s the one being fooled.

I’m so weak, Sharon murmurs. No, you’re strong – take my hand, Nick reaches out. Don’t leave me, she slumps against the pipes, eyes closed as the mirage evaporates.

We’ll find her soon, Nick tells Mariah (on the phone) He didn’t have the heart to tell her that Ian’s working with Jordan. Victor tells him and Chance that Nikki, Vikki and Claire are up to something. Jordan won’t leave town without what she came for, he believes.

This is starting to feel like an interrogation, Jordan balks. Claire must know everything to keep her Aunt free – you taught me to be prepared. Jordan claims that Ian killed that woman; he wanted Sharon to be blamed. Where is she? Claire presses. Sharon and I are in the same boat – we’re both in a safe place. Leave her fate to me. Jordan’s about to take a sip of her tea when Claire yelps – Stop!