Tuesday, January 21st, 2025

Chance is bagging Jordan’s glass for evidence when Nick returns to the motel room to report that the night manager described a woman with long blonde hair – it sounds like the woman Nick saw jump into a pick up truck and drive off.

Sharon awakens to hallucinate that Nick’s there to save her. No – you have to do this on your own, he encourages her to fight.

Claire stands by her plan – which she’ll carry out alone if her Mom and grandmother aren’t onboard. Jordan wants Victor and Nikki to feel a loss equal to her losing Eve. Jordan calls on cue to tell Claire – we have a problem.

Chance has sent the digitized fingerprints off to the lab – once the search warrant’s signed, they’ll turn this place upside down. Nick’s sure the woman he saw leaving in a truck with no license plates is the same woman who took Sharon AND ran Phyllis off the road.

Jordan wonders if Claire’s the reason Chance and Nick have ‘darkened her door’. My DNA is in that motel room – I need a place to stay. Claire will sneak her Aunt onto the ranch. Meet me at our usual spot. Claire ends the call to persuade her Mom and grandmother. Nikki has an idea where they can take Jordan – get your coats. Victor pokes his head out to grimace after they leave.

At the tackhouse, Vikki tells her Mom that the kids are spending the night with friends and Cole’s in New York. Perhaps we should let Nick and Chance in on this – we’re talking about killing a woman in cold blood. How will we – and Claire – live with the guilt???

In the park, Claire tells her Aunt that her ‘dear friend’ must have been the one to tip off Chance and Nick. How could you be so stupid?! Claire decides this is a bad idea – you’ve lost your edge. She won’t let Jordan mess up her plan against the Newmans.

Sonofabitch – it’s Jordan, Chance then shows Nick a photo of the woman currently sitting in her cell. The same build but that’s not Jordan. Nick must call his Dad to warn the family.

Vikki and Nikki continue to weigh the pros and cons of going along with Claire’s plan to murder Jordan.

Refusing to let her Aunt’s weakness ruin her plan, Claire pretends she’s ready to walk away. Jordan denies she’s losing her edge. Oh how lonely she’s been. Yes, her partner is Ian Ward.

Vikki’s sick at the thought of Jordan coming to the ranch – imagine what Dad and Cole would say. She must be dealt with and we’ll get through it, Nikki reassures.